Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Wonderful Wednesday

Hey all, how's it going??? Hopefully your Wednesday has been good/was good. Now that Wednesday is drawing to a close it sure feels like this week has been flying by!

My husband made some more flour less sprouted-grain bread last night, but altered it a little from last time. We're discovering to make it into a "normal" bigger loaf of bread it's going to be quite the process! You're actually supposed to dry out some of the sprouted grains and then grind them into a flour-like consistency, among other things. So, he kind of just took a short cut last night and didn't do all of that and it still tasted really good. But, getting it the way we want it is going to be a process! Meanwhile, the experiments taste pretty good themselves : )

My lunch today consisted of a spinach leaf salad (I like those, if you can't tell!) with some of this chopped up inside of it ... Baked chicken breasts with sliced fuji apples and baby carrots sprinkled with cinnamon. It tasted oh-so-good in my salad!! (I also ate a yummy tangerine). Speaking of tangerines, can anyone explain to me why some tangerines have seeds and others do not??

And random picture my husband snapped of me and Adrian as I was bundling up to face the cold right before work this morning.As every Wednesday night, Erik and I are helpin' with youth group tonight. Being the last Wednesday of the month, (already?!?!) it's small group night, or as we call it "Tribe night" (we're division leaders of the "Central Tribe"). Tonight our topic is:

Romans 12:1-2
"So here's what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don't become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you." -the message Bible-

And that's all for me ... only two days left until the weekend!!! : )


  1. Oh wow, that loaf looks amazing!

  2. Love that bread! Your lunch looks delicious too! Have fun tonight!

  3. Loving the sprouted breads! I have to try this. Love your coat- so pretty. Hope your last night goes well!

  4. you and your pup are SO chic! gorgeous :D

  5. your salad looks so good! I think I will have to try that!

  6. yup, gotta be a living sacrifice to God!
    btw, chicken with apples and cinnamon? sounds incredibly interesting! I'd like to try that!

  7. It's funny how you mention the tangerine thing. I was eating a snack at my desk yesterday, it was two cuties (Clementines) and one had no seeds and the other had tons. It made me wonder. The loaf looks amazing. I really have to try sprouting. I'm a little wary of it.

  8. yummy bread...that trial WILL be a fun tasting process im sure. spinach salad are the best fo sho.

    this weather is getting old. i may be ready to ditch the east coast...

  9. hmmm, cinnamon sprinkled on your salad... that would probably be really good! Your homemade bread looks amazing!! Do you use a bread machine?

  10. I love your pup! And you look fantastic in that white coat!

  11. I just found your blog- I love that beautiful scripture from the message Bible, that is so beautiful! I look forward to reading your blog:-)


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