Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Burt's Bees

Hello everyone!

How's it going??

After work today, I had to stop by Target to pick up a few things and while I was there I picked up some Burt's Bees shampoo, conditioner, and some face wash. I LOVE Burt's products. It all got started with Burt's Bees chap stick (the best chap stick in the world ... does anyone agree?) I haven't ever used their shampoo and conditioner before but I'm excited to take a shower tonight. And it smells so good ... pomegranate ... mmmm! After that I came home and had a night warm cup of tea and a piece of toasted cinnamon raisin bread on Ezekiel bread with cashew butter (and we're almost out!).Speaking of almost being out of things, our dried goji berries are gone and I never thought I'd end up saying this but I actually want more!! Ha, I officially like them now. (Though frozen, I'm still not sold).

Cutting this a little bit short today, next I'm off to use the Boflex with the husband ... (yes, I'm working out today!!). I'm thinking of making Chickpea Turkey Burgers for din-din tonight but we'll see what we feel like when we're done. Maaaaybe I'll have some pictures of tonight's dinner up tomorrow ; )

And to end this lovely post, here's a random quote for the day:

"You'll be the same person in 5 years time as you are now, except for the books you read and the people you meet" --John Wooden, former UCLA basketball coach

See you all later! : )


  1. LOVE that quote! And the chickpea turkey burgers are very intriguing! Enjoy your night, love.

  2. i have a weird thing about tea tins- and I love that one in the pic!

    Kelly Turner

  3. I love Target and Burt's Bees products! Hope you have a wonderful night!

  4. Fabulous quote!!

    Hooray for working out!! :-)

  5. Love the quote!
    And yep, I started with the chapstick, but have yet to branch out. Now I want to! -lol-

  6. Woo bowflex :D I LOOOOVE your pup pictures, omg huskies, soo cute!! I completely love BB chapstick too, that minty freshness!

  7. Tell me if you like that shampoo/conditioner! I want to try it.

    Hope you had a great workout. Chickpea burgers sound fabulous!

  8. yes i totally agree about the burts bees chapstick...I have seen that shampoo and always wanted to try it!


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