Friday, January 23, 2009

Thick Greek Yogurt & Grocery List

It's the weekend!! : )

Since my husband only works one weekend a month now I've come to really look forward to the weekends. (He used to work at least every other and have crazy hours!) So anyways, as I previously mentioned yesterday, we're hittin' up Whole Foods tomorrow. I'm proud of us because two weekends ago we bought tons of groceries and they have lasted us up until now, minus one trip to get a few things like fruit and milk. We try to at least only have to go to the grocery store once a week and we pretty much never eat out and both pack our lunches everyday and my husband (and myself) eat a lot so we kinda have to stock up. How often do find it necessary to grocery shop?

(In case you didn't read this last time I said it, the closest WF is about an hour away, so we have to plan to go there on weekends such as these). We don't always get to grocery shop there but we love it when we can because there's a lot there that we love that we can't get where we live (or that's just not as expensive as it is here in our Hyvee health food section.) So ... there is a grocery list to come shortly in this post ...

My most recent batch of greek yogurt turned out nice and thick because I let it strain all day while I was at work ... just thought I'd share that with you all ... I love greek yogurt! Aand, here's what we're planning on getting tomorrow ...

DAIRY (and a little bit of non dairy)
  • Organic skim milk
  • Organic eggs
  • Organic 2% cheese slices
  • Unsweetened Almond milk (chocolate and vanilla)
  • Mushrooms
  • Apples
  • Bananas
  • Frozen Berries
  • Dried goji berries
  • Frozen Veggies
  • Brussell Sprouts
  • Spinach Leaves
  • Baby Carrots
  • Lemons
  • Tangerines
  • Tomatoes
  • Sweet Potatoes
  • Kale
  • Olive Oil Cooking Spray
  • Natural Almonds
  • Truvia
  • Ezekiel Bread/Hemp Bread
  • Peanut Butter
  • Bee Pollen (erik likes to eat this on a piece of toasted bread with peanut butter, and we'll often grind it with cacao nibs and flax seed and eat it with yogurt ... here's some info on it)
  • Cacao Nibs
  • Ezekiel Buns
  • Tea
  • Canned Tuna/Salmon
  • Canned Beans
  • Ezekiel Cereal
  • Rice
  • Heinz Less Sugar Ketchup
  • Honey Mustard
  • Frozen Mahi Mahi Burger/Ahi Tuna Burgers
  • Ground Turkey
  • Frozen Chicken Breasts
*just in case anyone cares, the items in italics we'll actually get at our good ole local Hyvee

And that's all folks ... what are your weekend plans??


  1. I was at Whole Foods today!! My second home :-) I shop there 2-3 times per week (instead of shopping in one trip - that way I don't overbuy and risk having good food spoil).

    Enjoy your Friday and weekend!!

  2. Sounds like an awesome trip planned for Whole Foods! Definitely awesome!

    I tend to go once a week, or once every two weeks depending on my schedule and such. Have a great weekend!

  3. Yay for your Whole Foods trip! I'm so jealous! Your grocery list looks awesome! Can't wait to see your purchases!

    We have our staff Christmas party tomorrow night and then I'm seeing my hub's relatives on Sunday!

    Have a great night!

  4. Oh yeah, awesome greek yogurt! I'm impressed!

  5. i do one big trip about every 2 weeks but stop a few times in between for specific stuff

    Im going to a westerm themed part Saturday- good thing I already have a pair of Frye boots or I wouldnt have anything to wear!

    Kelly Turner

  6. I like Hyvee better

  7. Beautiful Lesley:

    I just found your blog and adore it... You are absolutely EXQUISITE and you GL0W! I can't wait to follow your bloggy! Congrats on your wedding! Can't wait to see your groceries and all of your fabulous eats!

    X0X0 and Happy Friday lovebug!

    (0H! And I'm Julz, by the way! hehe)

  8. Shopping Trip to Whole foods! Fun! I try to go to the store only once a week. But it seems like I go twice a week.

  9. I am headed to Whole Foods tomorrow too! Unfortunately, I haven't learned how to plan well enough to not go to the store several times a week!

  10. What a healthy grocery list. You're so organized!
    You made that Greek Yogurt?! It's looks very good, I'm going to have to give it a try. I always see it at Trader Joe's.

  11. Hi! Thanks for stopping by my blog!! Wow you made your own yogurt. I only had greek yogurt once and didn't like it but I want to try it again...

    I saw this quote you used earlier in the week ""Man cannot live on bread alone. He must have peanut butter."

    -bill cosby-"

    That sounds like something I would say!! HAHA

    Have fun with your Hubby and Whole Foods shopping this weekend!!

  12. I just made my WF shopping list for today too :) I do have to shop once per week for basics that we run out of- dairy, fruits n veges, etc.

    Have a great day! :)

  13. glad you stumbled across my blog, i really like yours too. im SO impressed you MADE greek yog (YUM). im even more impressed you and your hubby can manage to make groceries last so long! our apartment is SO tiny it's hard to keep stocked up, so i find myself going to the store several times a week for odds and ends. glad you are getting in a WF shopping trip this weekend. that place is pretty much my idea of heaven!

  14. Hooray for Whole Foods! Usually at Whole Foods I just try to get what I can't find here, and they're usually more pantry type items like whole wheat pastry flour, red lentils, whole wheat couscous, raw almonds, and any kind of specialty foods. And bars!!! And it used to be for greek yogurt too but my grocery store JUST started carrying greek yogurt yayyy!!

    haha anyway - I usually go grocery shopping once a week, cuz I have a good idea of how much fresh produce we'll go through in a week, and what pantry items need to be restocked. All of this is done based on what's on sale at different stores and such too. Weekend plans were boring (cleaning, grocery shopping, yada yada).

  15. such a healthy list! i love everyone on it i think (especially ezekiel cereal, which i JUST tried). i think grocery shopping is so much fun haha. enjoy!


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