Thursday, January 15, 2009

Rice Bowl with Shrimp and Broccoli and Goji Berries Take Two

Yay for Friday!

Tomorrow it's supposed to be a whole 30 degrees ... ha, but thankfully that'll at least feel warm compared to today.

I came home from work to a sink full of dishes and a messy kitchen ... yuck. So I loaded the dishwasher and picked it up and then I got some rice going because our weekly (or so) pot of rice was empty. Erik packs it with his lunch everyday (and I put it in my lunch salads or wraps a lot) and Erik loves rice with dinner no matter what we're having just about every night so we make an abundance and it makes things a lot easier. Today's is a mix of wild rice and pearled barley. In other news, you may remember me talking about goji berries a couple days ago and how I was unsure if I like them. Well, I'm still unsure. However, I've discovered a way I do like them ... ... with almonds. I accidentally discovered this when I reached into the cupboard and put a few almonds in my mouth. I was just going to eat them in passing when I spotted the dried goji berries and thought ... why not? So, I grabbed a few and put them in my mouth with the almonds and I found myself pleasantly surprised! Now I find myself frequenting the almonds and bag a goji berries more than I thought I would. So maybe there's hope for gojis yet??

For dinner, Erik and I had rice bowls with shrimp and broccoli (and water chestnuts) First, I sauteed some minced garlic and onions in some olive oil and balsamic vinegar, then added some broccoli florets and water chestnuts. In the meantime, I boiled my shrimp. I added some turmeric and garlic and herb seasonings to the veggies. When the shrimp was done cooking, I took the shells off and added them to the broccoli and water chestnuts for a few minutes. Then, I put it all in a bowl with some of the rice that I had just cooked. I topped it with a few chopped almonds and pine nuts.

And that's about all for me tonight ... unfortunately Erik has to work this Saturday, and so I probably will end up going to work for a few hours, therefore we're really not going to get much "free" time this weekend, but ... oh well. Anyone doing anything exciting for the weekend??


  1. Not much free time= booo! You guys should treat yourself to a nice night out given you have to work this weekend!

    Your dinner looks awesome! Healthy homemade food that looks like takeout!

    Having that big pot of rice for use during the week is a great idea.

    This weekend we're thinking about going to the movies and my parents are moving down to SC!!! I haven't lived near my parents since high school and now they will be 45 minutes away! I am super excited

  2. Oooh, I'd love to try those goji berries now. Where can you find them? Awesome dinner too!

  3. Your dinner looks great! I love shrimp.

    I haven't tried goji berries yet.

  4. Ooh, I'm glad you found a way you like them!! Unfortunately I bought them at the same time I bought something else I really didn't like, so I don't think I'll ever go down that path again. Although maybe if you make a true turnaround into a goji lover, I'll have to try again, haha.

    I do the same thing with quinoa, I have a big container of it in the fridge at all times, love that stuff!!

  5. mmmm everything looks so GOOD! i like the rice bowl and broccoli verrry much :) have a fab night!

  6. I can't believe 6 degrees?! That's so crazy! I would freeze! I'm such a baby when it comes to the cold. Dinner looks great! Yum!

  7. yum that wild rice & pearl barley looks spectacular, i've yet to try wild rice but i've always wanted too, how does it taste??
    My exciting weekend is going to consist of baking- i think lol! hope you have a good one!

  8. I've never tried a goji berry before! How do they taste? they look good with the almonds!

  9. I wonder how all of a sudden goji berries came a hit. I grew up with them in my Chinese soups that my mom made. LOL

  10. I'm running my firs half marathon this weekend! That's pretty fun :)

    I love rice, but have such trouble since I won't eat white rice and that's all my boyfriend will eat! I should try this rice.. it looks so good!


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