Thursday, January 29, 2009

Sprout Hummus

Happy Thursday!

Today as I got the mail after work I discovered this in the mailbox ... I haven't decided what I think about this magazine yet. This is only the second issue I have read. In the first one, not much interested me but this one is way better so far. I haven't gotten a chance to read through it all but upon opening it I found an article about sprouting that immediately caught my attention since we (or more so my husband) has been sprouting different beans and grains lately. I was excited to discover several different recipes/ideas using sprouts. I then saw Sprout Hummus and thought fun! I want to try that. There was conveniently already some sprouted garbanzo beans and quinoa in the fridge (thanks, Erik!) so I whipped some up.
It turned out really good ... yum!

Here's the recipe:

1 cup sprouted beans, peas or lentils (I used garbanzo beans and quinoa)
2 tbsp tahini
2 tbsp lemon juice

1 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil

2 cloves garlic, minced

1 tsp ground cumin
1 tsp ground cayenne pepper
Sea salt and freshly ground pepper, to taste (I left out the salt and still love it)

  • Boil bean sprouts 10 minutes or until soft then drain. Mix with remaining ingredients by mashing with a fork. (For a smoother consistency, use a food processor). Serve with seasonal vegetables, chips, crackers, or toasted pita bread. Serves 6 as an appetizer.
I think I'm going to have to have some sort of wrap with hummus for lunch tomorrow ; )

Hope you've all had a great Thursday ... who's ready for the weekend??


  1. Sounds like a great magazine! Awesome sprout hummus!

    I'm so ready for the weekend! Are you doing anything fun?

  2. I love sprouts! What a great way to incorporate them into hummus! Such a nutritious snack! The magazine looks interesting, how did you find out about it?


  3. I'M READY FOR THE WEEKEND!! haha. :) That mag looks interesting, please let me know if they have any unique food-budget money saving tips!!

    And thanks for always commenting on my blog, I always feel happy when I get an email saying you've left a comment. :) Have a great Friday tomorrow!!!

  4. Oh, thanks so much for sharing the recipe!!!!!

  5. I made hummus tonight for my first time! Yours looks so good! I will have to make that next! Take care!
    Oh! and American idol is great this year! Lots of talent:)

  6. That looks very good! I love hummus. :)

  7. I think I've only had sprouts maybe once in my life. I don't even remember what I thought about them...

  8. Homemade hummus from sprouted beans? Oh my gosh- I bet this is incredible! I am SO SO ready for the weekend! What are you guys up to?

  9. hummus in a wrap = best idea ever!
    I am def. ready for the weekend, hope you have a great one with your hubby.

  10. I just got into hummus this week! But normally I don't eat it often because I worry about being stinky on the ice! I should probably try making my own though and just leaving out the garlic. Yes.... gliding calm -> lazy!

    HAPPY FRIDAY!! have an amazing weekend!! Love the picture of you and your doggy bundling up!!! White pea coats are SO adorable. I've always wanted one, but decided that I'd get it dirty in a second. It is my DREAM coat though! ha

    Take care! :)

  11. I've never heard of that magazine, but it sounds great! Sprouted hummus sounds fabulous! What is the difference between regular beans and sprouted beans? Are they soaked? Enjoy your Friday!

  12. hummus is looking good! i've never heard of that magazine before! ah so ready for the weekend, i can not waitttttt to get out of work :)

  13. me! me! Im ready!

    Kelly Turner

  14. ive heard lots that sprouted beans are more nutritions... thanks for sharing that!

    just found your blog :)


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