Monday, January 19, 2009

Earphones, Salad, Chicken, and Lack of Working Out Blues

Well, I don't really feel like I have anything exciting to say today. I had a pretty good Monday, though! I realized today that January is already two weeks away from being over ... weird!!

Work was slightly more entertaining than usual because I got these last night and got to use them today ... new headphones. They work really good!! I basically listen to recorded statements of insurance claims and type them all day long, so it really helps to have good earphones! So far they work a whole lot better than the ones I did have.

Here was lunch today ...Spinach leaf salad with a little over half a can wild pink salmon, some sprouted kidney beans and sprouted rice, a half of an apple sliced, mushrooms, Mrs Dash Garlic and Herb Seasoning, some onion powder, then sprinkled with some hemp seeds. I then sprayed on some white wine vinaigrette. It was very tasty!

Aaaand, for dinner we had chicken.I had a pack of 6 frozen breasts so I baked them. I seasoned them with chili powder, Mrs. Dash Garlic & Herb seasonings and added a sliced apple, a can of garbanzo beans, and chopped mushrooms and onions. I then sprinkled some chopped spinach leaves over top along with some cinnamon. With my chicken breast and small portion of garbanzo beans, we also had steamed brocolli.

And folks, I think that's about all I have to say! I've been having problems motivating myself to work out lately : ( ... I'd been really good about working out almost every day for a long time and lately I've been pretty bad at it. So, I hope this week I can improve! It's making me antsy!

How'd your Monday go??


  1. WHOA, out of this world. That is so delicious!

  2. That chicken dish looks really good! Nice work ;) I also like that you're really enjoying the sprouted beans!

  3. thanks for visiting my blog! Glad to find yours! :D

  4. mmm i love mrs. dash! really makes things yummy (sans salt, which = bloatyness!)

    love that salad too, btw. good luck with working out! i have been so unmotivated too lately, who knows what that's all about. it'll be better this week i'm sure :)

  5. Hang in there with the working out issue!! Hope your Tuesday is fantastic!!

  6. food looks so good! good luck with the workouts! the hardest part is getting started, then you'll be back into the groove in no time!

  7. I know how the working out rut goes. You will get back in the groove in no time! Sounds like you had a good weekend too! Your dogs are soo cute by the way! The next dog Josh and I get will be a big one!


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