Thursday, May 15, 2014

8 Months

8 months

My little girl is 8 months!! We love you, sweet Emy

Eight Months 

Eating: Besides our normal nursing, you've begun to actually "chew" on solids and maybe even like them. So far your favorites are mushed up ground beef or chicken, yogurt, and sometimes banana.

Sleeping: Uh, yeah, last month still complete it applies :p
Sleeping this month hasn't been your forte, ha. Nighttime is pretty hit and miss these days. You're waking up on average three times a night and haven't had more than a 5 hour spurt at all this month. You're still napping about twice a day for 45 mins to an hour. Your favorite place to nap is still on mom but you have napped in the stroller and car seat a little now too.

Clothes: Pretty much all 12 months with some lingering 9 months left. Mom has had a very hard time staying away from cute summer clothes. Hello, cute baby girl rompers!

Favorite Activities: Grabbing ahold of anything and everything Mom is holding onto

Least Favorite Activities: This month, sleeping "good"

Big moments/firsts:
- You had a modeling gig at Hallmark and got to go with mom to a live cooking segment. At Hallmark you were an awesome model and everyone on set of KC Live loved you!
- Babies first Easter

Sunday, May 11, 2014

On Mother's Day

As I sit here nursing my baby girl this morning I can't help but think back to two years ago, Mother's Day shortly after our miscarriage. To the sweet life just 8 weeks growing who made me mommy that I would never get to cuddle or meet on this earth. It was a hard day with tears and sadness. And today I pause for a moment to remember my first baby who someday I believe I will get to meet.

But joy does come in the morning. This year, I'm so thankful to cuddle and snuggle Emersyn, this sweet baby girl who I get the opportunity and privilege to raise and teach and love. Words can't express how much I love her and how blessed I am to be called her mommy! 

So Happy Mother's Day to all, especially to those struggling to become a mommy and those that have experienced a loss. Special grace and peace to you.

And to Emersyn: 
I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always, as long as I'm living my baby you'll be.

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