Monday, November 16, 2009

Wet day at work

Happy wet day, everyone!

I looked out the window this morning at work to seeing giant snow flakes falling. It was beautiful but it made we wish  I was at home bundled up with a book.

It continued to snow for the next several hours. By the time I went to lunch it was done and the snow wasn’t sticking much because it was so heavy and wet. Here’s the pond outside of work post snow.

Picture 59795

When I got back to work from lunch, my cube friend and I were craving something warm! I haven’t had coffee in over a year but I knew it’s what I wanted.  So, being my only coffee choice I got some $.85 plain black coffee out of a coffee/tea/cappuccino/soup vending machine in the cafeteria.

Picture 59791

I knew it would be gross work coffee but it was good gross work coffee! ; )

Here’s my cube friend demonstrating how good our vending machine drinks were. (Jenn is my fitness/foodie friend at work … thankfully she’s the person who sits in the cube across from me because she doesn’t think it’s weird when I take pictures of my food at my desk, haha).

Picture 59792

We had a fun Monday at work and probably annoyed our co-workers by all the uncontrollable laughing we did.

On break, our mission was picture taking …me of the snow and Jenn of a random Twilight poster she saw on a random stranger’s cube.  We got a bunch of weird looks (thanks, Jenn; ) but she got her picture of Edward so that’s all that matters, haha.

Picture 59801

A little later I snacked on a Trio bar. I’m seriously loving these delicious and only 99 cent bars!!

Picture 59802

Picture 59805

Finally upon leaving work at 5 (is it really dark at 5 now?? Ugh!) the snow was almost all melted and it was raining, leaving even more wetness!

Picture 59808

The forecast is more snow and more rain and more cold.  I used to hate cold weather but I’ve decided to embrace and fully experience each season so I’m planning to love every minute of it : )

Now I’m about to go lift (chest night), eat dinner, and relax until I get to do it all over again. 

How was your Monday??





  1. We have snow here too:( I hope you have a good rest of the week!

  2. Snow! Craziness. Glad you and your coworker had a fun day! The trio bar looks super delicious. Hope the workout goes well :)

  3. snow?! what?!?! I HATE that its dark at 5 now. Looks like you had a fun day though!

  4. Ok, I have to ask you, do you go to the tanning bed? You always have such great color! And, so does Erik. If not, I need to use your bronser!!

    I can't believe it snowed. Nick wakes up every morning and runs to the window hoping it has snowed. Yeah, he's weird, in a cute way :) I can't WAIT either.

  5. oh my gosh-snow!! it was sunny and 75 here today! haha. i <3 those bars too

  6. Wow, I can't believe it's alreay snowing where you are! Weather is crazy!!

    It actually gets dark at 5:00 here too, which is just icky!

    Loved the pictures of your snow day! Have a great week ;)

  7. Oh wow! Snow already! Well, I guess it's not that crazy because Thanksgiving is next week. Can you believe it!

    Glad you had a great day at work.

    Hope your evening was lovely!

  8. Ugh, what a weird day of weather. The snow is pretty, but I feel ya--those wet and cold days are the pits!

    Hope your weather is nicer today. It's still cold and rather rainy here. :(

  9. Wow! It's hard to imagine snow in November! Or snow much at all for us. In Atlanta we're still in the 60's and 70's (thank God!). Still would be nice to get snow once in awhile though :)

  10. I'm so jealous of that cold weather. I want it to be really cold here and it's just not going to happen. I miss it. I'm glad that you had fun at work. That makes the day easier.

  11. i LOVE those trio bars, i buy the huge box at costco!! my favorite one is the cranberry, so good!

  12. Oooh it looks so cold and dreary.
    i miss summer weather! haha

    The trio bars are great ! :)

  13. Wow!!! SNOW!!! Tis the season :)
    Wasn't the coffee good?? Did you stop drinking it for a reason? I do love it....but know i shouldn't...

    Regarding the almond milk making I do tend to make lots of it and often :) but it is so good! i sweeten mine with dates.

    I hope you are having a great day lovie

  14. Lesley !!! Looks like you and your co worker have a blast!!!! And kudos to you braving the cold weather. Burrrr.....

  15. Stupid rain is messing up my runs! Gorgeous photo shoots.

    I am ready for SNOW no rain SNOW :) It's prettier then rain!

    Glad your monday was good yes it's time to curl up on the couch and be warm. XMAS specials begin tonight.

  16. Ooo I hope that snow isn't headed north towards me--blaah!


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