Wednesday, November 18, 2009

A few groceries

Apparently I’m not the only one who has eggs & oats : ) It’s a great way to add protein to your morning, making you feel full longer!

Tonight after work I stopped by the  grocery store to pick up a few random things we were out of. On the list … peanut butter. (I’m not entirely sure what I would do without peanut butter for a day).

Picture 59832

On my random list of items:

  • peanut butter
  • Ezekiel cereal
  • frozen berries
  • agave nectar ketchup
  • Amy’s frozen pizza (for Erik)
  • organic mac n cheese (also for Erik … he likes his mac n cheese lately)
  • a couple Trio bars (I like to snack on these at work when I get hungry – and I love that they’re only 99 cents!)
  • Stevia in the Raw

Picture 59835

For some reason, cashew cookie Larabars were on sale for $1 so I got a couple of those also.

I’m getting so excited to reveal to you all the new blog!!!! (Will hopefully be soon). But until then …. have a great evening : )




  1. seriously..what would we do without PB for a day? that is sad.. oh well!

  2. oh yah- can't do a day without some sort of nut butter! That would be a major crime ;) I need my nut butter

  3. Gotta love the Peanut butter or any nut butter. I need it, I want it. lol so delicious

  4. can't survive a day?! i did a whole week! WOO HOO!

  5. I need to eat more nut butter. A great source of healthy fats and protein!

  6. I couldn't make it through a day without PB as well... :-)

    I'm looking forward to seeing the new blog! So exciting!! :-)

  7. Ha! I am so with you on the PB. It is a staple. A day without PB is a sad day indeed.

  8. You are also not the only PB addict out there too! I think I may have about 12 jars of nut butters in my pantry right now. No joke! It's a serious thing. ;)

    Have a great day hun!

  9. I love the Smucker's all natural pb! IT's so good. And Larabars for one dollar?? Heck, I'd probably buy a case! Nick really likes them too, which is awesome. They are easy to throw in his lunch.

    Have a great day LEsley!

  10. I've always wanted to try the agave ketchup, since I eat SOO much of it and it's so loaded w/sugar and sodium--eek! But, it hasn't hurt me yet, so I'm not too concerned :-)


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