Thursday, November 26, 2009


Happy Thanksgiving everyone! : )

I hope you’ve all had a wonderful time with family, friends and good food!

Erik and I slept in this morning (and it was nice!) as sleeping in doesn’t happen very often around here. After getting ready we went to see Erik’s dad. He currently lives in an assisted living community so we had a Thanksgiving dinner with him there. (I said we weren’t going to have a traditional meal but turns out … we did ; )

For the rest of the day, we plan to watch movies and do just about nothing together …. ahhh, doesn’t that sound nice? : )  I have so much to be thankful for!!!


Here’s some pictures from our last trip to Whole Foods that I haven’t shared yet …   Picture 59932

Tazo tea: Wild Sweet Orange and Cucumber White with Glowing & Flowing Allegro tea. (I love tea!)Picture 59898

Erik looking intently upon some food.Picture 59917

Chia seeds! A newfound food (or should I say seed) that I’m really loving.Picture 59927

Justin’s almond butter … my first time trying it.Picture 59903

And a new-to-me Ezekiel product … small sprouted corn tortillas.

Have a great rest of your Thanksgiving holiday, blog friends!! : )





  1. happy thanksgiving!!! :)

    what's your favorite way to eat chia seeds? I have two bulks and haven't found the way to eat them.

  2. So glad to hear you had a wonderful day! How great that you got to spend a nice meal with Erik's dad and even more amazing that you were able to relax all night with your true love. SOunds perfect to me! :)

    Happy Thanksgivng sweet girl!

  3. I just had some Chia Seeds today! You'll loveeee 'em!!

    What kind of camera do you have? GREAT pics!

  4. Happy Thanksgiving!

    I love Tazo Tea, but I have never tried the Wild Sweet Orange and the Cucumber White.

    I also love chia seed. I try to remember every morning to mix some with my wheatberries :)

  5. Happy Thanksgiving!!
    I've never tried the Justin's pb, but have always wanted to.

    By the way, your blog takes about 60 seconds to open. I don't mind, but I thought you should know!

    Happy Holidays :) haha, I love saying that!

  6. that is so great yall got to sleep in!! ahh i love whole foods. have a great thanksgiving girl!

  7. Love Tazo tea--currently sipping on Passion :)

    Justin's almond butter is amazing--I like the maple one!! Ya gotta try it!

  8. Glad you got some extra sleep- feels so good to sleep, doesn't it? Happy thanksgiving to you. LOVE Justin's AB- so tasty.

  9. Those almond butter packets look so nifty. I'll be keeping my eyes peeled for them.

    What are your thoughts on the Allegro tea? The maple and lemon sounds like a lovely blend, but does it give you enough pep? I like a good chunk of caffeine in the afternoon via tea, hence why I tend to drink yerbe mate a lot.

  10. Happy Thanksgiving!! how is the justins nut butter? im dying to try it!

  11. Oh Whoa...I am dazzled by that grocery it whole food??? the WF here does not have that much selection! you guys are really lucky!

    Happy belated thanksgiving:D

  12. You went to Whole foods!!( read that in a "He went to Jared??" kinda tone) I am so jealous, I am in love with that place!

    Happy Belated Thanksgiving!

  13. Loved the pics!!! I have been reading a lot about the chia seeds. How do you eat/use them?

    Glad your day was wonderful!

  14. Those are fantastic finds! I love the idea of the corn-sprouted tortillas. I'll have to look for those!


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