Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Crabbiness, organizing & normal dinner

Today was one of those days. For whatever reason, Erik and I were both crabby. We made for an interesting pair. But after we argue I’m even more aware of how great of a husband I have. It’s sooo wonderful to have the assurance that he loves me. He always makes me feel loved just as I am & no matter what … and he always will : )

When I got home from work I did some dishes and decided to organize the cupboard a little bit. Here is the finished product:Picture 59703

Okay, it might not look that organized, but you should have seen it before! ; )  (as you may  be able to see, we have this “problem” with opening a new peanut butter jar the jar before is all the way gone. But I eventually use it for oats in a jar so it’s okay:) And if you’re wondering why we have 4 boxes of Ezekiel cereal, it’s because we stocked up while we were in KC last weekend because it’s cheaper there.


After eating cereal for dinner last night, I was ready for something warm and “normal”. Broccoli & peas …

Picture 59693

… Annie’s mac n cheese for Erik. (I ate more carbs than normal today so I tried to stay away from Annie tonight) …

Picture 59695

… and Smart Chicken on George. Mmm.

Picture 59698

It’s Tuesday night … guess what we’re doing now? Ha … yep, Biggest Loser. It’s also a nice way to relax and wind down.

What’s your favorite way to wind down?




  1. haha...I'm a little crabby today too. I think its the weather. Your cupboard looks super organized to me. I need to straighten ours out. Nice din din! Hopefully we'll all be less crabby tomorrow ;)

  2. We get in these moods all the time. Hubby and I tend to bicker with each other after a long hard day, but then we realize it's silly to take it out on each other and try to just forget about it all together.

    Nice cubboards girl! What in the world are you talking about? That is super organized!

  3. I just love broccoli and chicken! yum yum

  4. Wow that cupboard does look organized!
    I get in a mood like that with my family all the time - at least i know that with anyone else, i would just bottle it up and explode later, but since my family's unconditional i can just let 'em have it ;)

  5. Looks organized to me! I like to read, watch tv/movies to unwind, or go on a walk.

  6. that's really a VERY organized pantry! great job! you remind me I have to do something with my pantry soon!

  7. Great job on the organizing! That would last about 5 minutes in my house lol.
    My favorite way to wind down is to read a book. :)

  8. Lesley,
    I was in a BAD mood last night too. And, that ultimately put Nick in a BAD mood! Ugh. We ate extra carbs too, I guess we needed that serotonin, right? I bought some of the Annie's mac and cheese the other day because I saw they had low sodium! I was super excited.

    Winding down for me includes some popcorn and a good tv show or book.

  9. I was cranky yesterday too. Must have been a terrible Tuesday or something. Your cupboard looks very clean. You should be proud. I wind down with TV. I know it's sad but true.

  10. Sometimes I am crabby for no reason, too! Oh well, happens to the best of us. ;-)

    Wow - that is super organized! I need to work on mine now...

  11. I Run and workout... I finally picked a training program so I am more chill now.

  12. Ha...I had one of those yesterday! Weather has an influence on us!

  13. is that 3 jars of smuckers naturals that I spy? that is why I love you!

  14. Oo love the new organized cupboards! It's funny, because in my new apartment my cupboards are very sparse, but then you take a look in the pantry and it's a WHOLE different story!


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