Sunday, December 20, 2009

Whole Foods & early Christmas

Hope you all have had a wonderful weekend!!

I don’t even mind that tomorrow is Monday since it’s only a three day work week for me … yay!

Today we had and early Christmas at my MIL’s house since we’re going to be at my family’s in NE on Christmas day. My MIL got me a nice flash for my new camera and I love it! (Thanks, Linda!!) We tried it out inside when we got home …. this will definitely come in handy! A1 Erik and I volunteered to cook Christmas dinner “lunch” at my parent’s house so this afternoon we went to Whole Foods for supplies. Namely, we went there to get an organic, free range turkey but picked up some others things as well.A6

Our lovely little cart of groceries. A10

Before we left, we sat down and ate some wraps that we bought. I went for the grilled veggie with hummus wrap.

I love that cold grilled veggie taste!A3A2  A4 A5 

And we couldn’t forget our Whole Foods shopping tradition … ice cream on the way home!

Today we opted for Living Harvest tempt’s Coffee Biscotti made with hemp milk.A7

It was really good and included the perfect amount of “biscotti” chunks … mmm!!A8

And nutritionally sound as well!  Living Harvest’s tempt frozen desserts made with hemp milk is one of our favorite ice cream brands for sure.A9

We’re headed to good old Nebraska on Wednesday evening (and I’m praying it doesn’t snow on our drive!). I sort of feel like I have a lot to accomplish between now and then so if I’m not around a lot these next few days, that’s why ; ) 

However, I’ll be sure to share our Christmas dinner “lunch” menu with you all! Some of you asked for my couscous recipe too and you should be seeing that later this week as well. Until then ….

Don’t forget to enjoy the wonder of the season!!! : )  I’ll leave you with a quote I read earlier this week …

“Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love.” 

–hamilton wright mabie




  1. Yummy looking hemp ice cream and I feel the same way about it being the start of the work week: who cares were almost on vacation!

  2. Hooray for Whole Foods, a short upcoming work week, and a beautiful quote! :)

  3. I only have three days of work this week too! yahoo! Have a great holiday!

  4. Nice reminder. People need to hear that, including me!

    Your pictures/photos are all so amazing. Is it the flash that is making them so crisp and clear? I need a new camera, or at least I need to learn how to use mine.

    That wrap looked so fantastic. I love a good wrap, with hummus.

    Have a great Monday! Happy Holidays Lesley :)

  5. what a GREAT day!! that veggie wrap looks amazinggg. yay for 3 days of work! i cant believe its already christmas week

  6. That ice cream looks great! Have a great holiday! Best wishes, Natasha

  7. The meat at Whole Foods really does taste better than conventional meat. I managed to convince my family of that, at least. ;) That veggie wrap looks fat and plump and ready for chompin' on!

    Hmm, I think I've seen that ice cream before... I was nervous about trying it because of the potential grassiness of hemp? It doesn't look too bad though...

  8. I'll have to try that ice cream!
    Just had lunch at WFs the other day - I always go for the bar, but that wrap looks delicious!

  9. What a great day and how sweet of you guys to make dinner!

    I just saw that ice cream at the store and wanted to get it so bad, but then I remembered my 5 gallons in the freezer and decided it woulndt be such a great idea to add another flavor in the mix.

    But next time, for sure I am trying it! ;)

    Have a lovely short week darling.

  10. What a great gift from the MIL! Love WFs. Your veggie wrap looks amazing. Thats great that you guys are cooking the Christmas lunch. Can't wait to see what you all make. Happy Monday

  11. Sounds like a wonderful holiday with lots of fun celebrations! ENJOY!

    I love Whole Foods but they are pricey, especially here in southern CA. Ours is never as quiet as those pics looked! Great food though!

    I have heard of the hemp ice cream but never tried it.. Looks YUMMY!

  12. Ooo a day at Whole Foods sounds great, but ice cream sounds even more amazing! I hope you and your hubby have a safe drive to Nebraska!! Can't wait to hear about your trip/Christmas.

  13. Hemp icecream rocks and I love Whole Foods, the best place on earth next to Disney World, lol!! Love your hair color, beautiful!!! Have a safe drive to Nebraska!!! Happy Holidays to you and your hubby!!!!!

  14. You are so the hair!

    Whole Foods is amazing. It is so hard for me not to buy everything I see in there! Hemp milk ice cream sounds really interesting. I've never even tried hemp milk, so I'm not sure how it would taste. I like the idea of a coffee biscotti flavor, though. :-)

  15. That ice cream sounds most amazing! WOW!

  16. Ah, Whole Foods - finishing out my shopping there tonight. Have a great short workweek and trip to NE - I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a snowfree drive for you!

  17. hemp ice cream? now i've seen it all. That sounds divine!

  18. Love that quote!

    Biscotti chunk ice cream. Um, YUM!

  19. I am LOVING the color in your hair! The wrap looks delish!

  20. how cute are you guys with your little ice cream tradition!! i love it :)

  21. Looks like a nice way to kick off the Christmas holidays!

    WFs looks so nice and fun to shop in, I WISH we had one!! :)


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