Thursday, December 10, 2009


Warning: very random post ahead …

Well, it seems Jack Frost is here to stay for awhile. Brr!

I’d like to add that despite the cold weather, I’m still embracing winter and still loving it ; ) In fact, it’s hard to imagine Christmas without cold, snowy weather.

Last night, midway through watching Julie & Julia, our power went out and we were left with no movie, no internet, no lights, no heat, no nothing, ha … except for this …Picture 167

Turns out, around 20,000 people were in complete darkness so it wasn’t just us.  Picture 166

Thankfully, it was only out for about an hour so as soon as it came back on we continued with our movie viewing ; )Picture 155 And I ate some more chili : ) I just can’t get enough of this stuff! Picture 149 Picture 154 

What did I think of Julie & Julia? I really liked it. It wasn’t the best movie I’d ever seen or anything but it was really cute and I would definitely watch it again. 

Fast-forward  to current time:

I’m now drinking hot tea to keep warm. I love tea all the time but in the winter it’s especially wonderful!

Picture 162     

Ha, and to add to the complete randomness this post has already become, here’s a picture of Adrian cuddling next to Bubba. I was in bed but thankfully Erik snapped this picture. (This doesn’t happen very often!) So cute!Picture 159

Who’s ready for the weekend?? I am! I’m planning on getting some Christmas shopping/errands done that I have been putting off!

Have a great day!





  1. lesley-I LOVE THAT MUG!!! oh my gosh!! adorable!! this post was so..cozy! have a great night boo

  2. oh man! Glad you got to finish the movie. I totally want to see it. Mmm warm beverages in cute mugs on cold days= heaven!! Have fun shopping this weekend :)

  3. Your dogs are absolutely adoreable! I wish I could cuddle up next to them, they look so comfy. I have some Christmas shopping to do myself this weekend. Thank god tomorrow is pay day!

  4. I don't know why but your photo's look AMAZING in this post! What kind of camera do you have? Do you photoshop before posting them?

  5. Cute furbabies!!

    I LOVED Julie and Julia -- so cute! Definitely a favorite movie. Glad the power came back on so you could enjoy!

  6. Boo, for everything going out. Glad it wasn't just yall.

  7. I'm ready!!

    I love when the power goes out, but only when it comes back shortly after :) Glad you got to finish your movie. And, the chili is still lookin' great! I've been eating so much soup and stews lately that my mouth is permanently burned.

    This weekend we are doing Christmas shopping too, depsite the negative 5 degree windchill!

  8. Those are some swell photos. :] That's the first time I've ever used that word to describe something! :P Candlelight is nice and romantic, but not when there's no roaring fire and the heat is off. Brr.

  9. I enjoyed J and J too! I watched it with my Momma. I got so excited when she was blogging--so much to relate to haha. Anything with food is fun to watch. Glad the power came back for you to finish the movie.

  10. Ah, the winter woes but can be beautiful too.

    LOVE the pic of the animals cozy with each other! TOO CUTE!

  11. I JUST watched Julie and Julia. now joke
    loved it!

  12. I like the movie too, it's kind of cute, specially for us, bloggers! :D

  13. Chilli :)
    Candles - I LOVE...they are like FISH to me (u know how they say watching fish in a tank can be calming and peaceful?)...the smell and the glow of candles has such a calming effect.

  14. Glad you enjoyed the movie. I thought it was pretty cute too!

    Oh no about the power!!! At least it was short lived.

    Have a fantastic weekend my dear!

  15. random posts are the best girl! sounds like a fun night :)

    i agree about julie & julia. meryl streep is so good in anything though so i definitely thought the scenes that were with her were the best!

  16. I absolutely dread when the power goes out--it's amazing how much we rely on it!

  17. That chili looks so good. I agree with the movie review. I really enjoyed watching Julie & Julia. It was so cute, and I loved all the food. Good luck with your Christmas shopping.

  18. I like the chili soup ! always!
    and of course those two cute pets , just had a good laugh :-D

  19. Please O Please! I want that chili. But not the chilly. You can keep the cold stuff. My joints are frozen.

  20. Lesley, just wanted to let you know I mentioned you on my blog today.. a thank you!

  21. I need to see Julie and Julia -- I've heard nothing but rave reviews!

    bundle up, sugarplum :)


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