Friday, December 18, 2009

Couscous, new gym and cute dogs

It’s the weekend!!  And just think … next weekend will be Christmas : )

We had our holiday party at work today and here was my food contribution …FFFFFFFFFFFFFF The couscous salad turned out great! (At least I sure loved it : )  Most of my coworkers didn’t have a clue what couscous was so I think it scared them away a little, ha!FFFFFFFFFFFF

New Gym

As you may have noticed, I didn’t post yesterday and part of the reason was because of a basement reno we’re Erik is currently working on. (I only helped carry stuff ; )

We’re converting the unfinished side of our basement into our official gym. Until now, our workout equipment has been scattered between two rooms and I have often referred to unfinished part as “the dungeon”.

Well, just so you can get an idea of what I mean by dungeon … here is the BEFORE picture:


Pretty bad, no? This picture was taken when we first moved in and it was a mess because we were my dad was tiling the other room in the basement for us.

It’s allllmost ready for the AFTER picture but not just yet.  Until then … here is a teaser of the BEFORE and AFTER floor ; ) FFFFFF 


I finally got some good pictures of Rocky, haha.  When we’re sitting and/or laying on the couch (which is right in front of the staircase leading to upstairs), a lot of times she goes and sticks her head through the rail when she wants to play and I caught her in the act last night.FFFFFFFFF

Rocky is our loyal dog. Everywhere we go, she goes … no matter what. If you go in a room and shut the door, you can bank on the fact that she’ll be right outside of it when you come out. FFFFFFFFFF

And here’s Bubba being cute. He was begging for more attention by putting his chin on Erik’s lap.  Who can resist that???FFFFFFFFFFF

Not me!

Have a fabulous weekend!! : )  I might be back tomorrow but if not, see you Sunday night!





  1. yay for new gyms!!
    i LOVE cous cous, actually had some for dinner last night-thats a great idea to bring to a partayy!

  2. Your salad looks awesome!

    I think it is my dream to have my own gym in my house one day. First, I need to get a home with a basement and then I can work on the rest! ;)

    Have a great weekend love.

  3. The couscous looks amazing, I'm sure my co-workers would be timid too if I brought it haha. In fact, I don't think I've ever had it, I've only had Quinoa, which seems like the closest thing.

    Rocky is sooooo cute!

  4. you and Eric are gonna tear it up in that gym - y'all are such workout fiends! I love it!

  5. The couscous looks awesome! Nice work. VERY exciting that ya'll are converting that area to a gym. And of course I love seeing pictures of your adorable puppers. Hows the new business coming along??? You have a good weekend too :)

  6. How cool, a home gym!!!! Very exciting! Those dog pics are so cute!!!!! Looks like things are falling into place over there! Have a great one! And yes, the couscous looks yummy to me!

  7. I love your dogs.

    I can't wait to see the AFTER picture!! I bet it looks fantastic.

    Your couscous looks great. I'd make it more often if Nick liked it, but he doesn't, what a weirdo!

  8. adorable dogs! love the couscous!

  9. Did you post a recipe for that cous cous? Cause it looks wonderful and I'd love to make it! : )

    Your furbabies are so cute! Bubba's face...aww! They're both precious! You know I'm a sucker for pups!

    Exciting about your basement gym-to-be! You'll love having a place to workout in, I sure do!

  10. I've never had couscous before. It looks sort of like quinoa, so are the textures similar?

  11. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I cannot wait to see the finished gym.

    I love cous cous and so to my daughters. So delish!

  12. Can't wait to see the new gym! I love seeing before and after pics :-)

  13. A new gym sounds so exciting!

    I love your dog photos!

  14. your puppies are soo super cute!!

    How exciting to have your own gym... I would love that... I have a treadmill but it's in a super tiny room...

    Have a great Saturday night!!


  15. That couscous salad looks great!

    And exciting about a "new" gym, that's going to be nice :)

  16. Your couscous salad looks amazing. I love all the different colours in it.

    You must be pretty excited to finally have a room for ALL your gym stuff!

    Awesome dog photos...

  17. That's a great idea for what to take to your party. I haven't made couscous in forever, but recently found it in bulk at an international supermarket here. I need to make it again. Love the pictures of the doggies!


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