Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Snow and Chili

Hey all!

Glad you guys liked the sounds of Local Burger (I knew you would ; ) I agree with Jenny when she said, “hopefully one day there will be little "local burger" joints all over the place :)” … I hope so too! I tweeted them yesterday’s post and they ended up putting the link on their Facebook fan page … I felt neat ; )  I then became a fan, ha. Definitely a place worth being supported and certainly Facebook fan worthy!

Winter Wonderland

If not already evident, I have been so excited about this holiday season. I don’t know that I can even describe it, but I sort of feel like a little girl full of wonder and about to burst with excitement :D

We woke up to a winter wonderland. I didn’t get a picture until after work and it wasn’t as pretty anymore. However, it’s currently snowing again …Picture 011

Despite how much I seem to complain about cold weather … I love the snow!

I’m determined to embrace each season; the good and the bad and so far it’s working wonderfully! : )Picture 021

Lunch to Keep Warm

With the start of our vending machine business approaching and due to needed help from his dad, Erik has been working fewer hours lately which means he’s acting as head chef and maid in the Lesley Lifting Life household.

Yesterday he made chili (which I have been craving for awhile now!) It was just in time for the snow storm, which definitely calls for chili!

Picture 058

Snow and chili = two essential elements of December which both bring Christmas cheer : )Picture 056 

The forecast calls for even colder temps (the high for tomorrow is a whopping 12 degrees)  with 50 mile per hour gusts and blizzard like conditions. We’ll see what happens.

A work snow day would be great (HA!) but I won’t get my hopes up for that. (On days like this I wish I was a teacher because then I would get snow days! ; )

What was your favorite thing to do on snow days as a kid? (Ha, that is if you lived somewhere with snow… it’s hard to imagine not being familiar with it!)



  1. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! I grew up back east so I know all about that weather. Snow days... I played outside sledding, ice skating & more! Well, until I was freezing my hands & feet off & then inside for warmth! Loved the pics & food looks good as always!

  2. oh that chili definitely warms me up!!! I used to make lots of chili last winter....until I ate too much :-D haven't really have any chili for 9 months! your bowl of chili just makes me re-think about my favorite food for winter!

  3. look at that SNOWWWWW! ahh such a great chilly day!! i remember having NO school on snow days..that was awesome

  4. The snow looks pretty, too bad it's going to be FRIGID tomorrow for you. Brr, you have my total sympathy.

    Stay warm with your chili. :)

  5. girl in 4 days i'll be up there in the cold with you! i need to soak up all the houston sun i can :)
    i've been craving warm comfort food lately too! your chili looks delish!

  6. Mmm chili! I love it. I like it nice and meaty, with some spice.

    Like you, I don't really like the cold weather. About 95% of it I hate, actually, but snow I love. There is something about it that really makes me happy. I know exactly what you mean!

    On snow days I used to either watch a ton of tv, play in the snow a bunch, and maybe go sledding if I was lucky and my mom took me!

  7. We just don't get enough snow in Texas. Only one day so far...lol

  8. I love how positive you are- makes reading your blog that much more enjoyable :) The chili looks fantastic- nice work Erik. Hope you get a snow day today ;)

  9. I have been having serious cravings for chili, too. Maybe I will make some this weekend. Nothing beats a bowl of hot chili on a cold day!

  10. I loved snow days as a kid. I would get up later than usual, make myself a real breakfast and then sit down with a good non-school book and read the day away. I wish we had snow days more often. However, since I've lived in TX, I've had two ice days off of work. I miss the snow and I miss the cold. It was 70 here yesterday. I'd give anything to go sledding... That chili looks amazing.

  11. Local burger places all over is a trend of the future I am sure! Wow, you got more snow than us!! My area isn't getting pounded with the 10+ inches that southern MN is getting, which I am glad for! We have below zero temps which is quite enough winter for me to handle!

    I looove making chili with a variety of beans and Boca crumbles with corn bread on the side--yummmy

  12. Hi,
    I love your blog. Chilli is wonderful :)
    Thanks for stopping by mine, I know its not that interesting :)
    I hope to keep following yours, and might add you to my blogroll :) If I maintain any interest for you, feel free to do so too!

  13. We just got our first snow storm of the year and while it is pretty from the inside looking out, I don't relish driving in it.

    Toboganning was always a fun thing to do as a kid!

  14. Aw, thanks for quoting me!

    Beautiful snow...in Mississippi, we pretty much have a snow day once every 10 years haha, but when we do have snow it's VERY exciting :)

  15. You're right--December and chili definitely go together! In fact, would you believe chili is actually my family's traditional Christmas Eve dinner? Well, I don't suppose there's much that's traditional about chili for xmas, but that and enchiladas have been Christmas foods for as long as I can remember!

  16. Mmmm, snow and chili is a perfect combination!!! I was just thinking of making some big batches of soup this weekend because it is going to get very very fridig here and nothing warms my soul more than hot soup on a cold snowy day!

    Hope you had a great day and you were able to stay warm! :)

  17. I love looking at snow, but I hate actually being outside in the snow. :| All our snow is melted now---it ALMOST sleeted last night, but then it just turned to rain. *sigh* I haven't had chili in such a long time---I need to learn to make it myself! ;)

  18. I love snow when it's fresh and white -- not so much when it's covered with mud and dirt.. blech! lets enjoy it while we can :)


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