Monday, February 9, 2009

Sesame Chicken, Banana Snack, and Clean EatingTips

Happy Monday one and all! (?)

I've had a great Monday. Nothing in particular has made it that way, but none the less it's been great.

And now for the eats ... My husband made din-din last night and here is it. I suppose you could call it sesame chicken. He first sauteed onions, mushrooms, minced garlic and some zucchini in some organic sesame oil. Then ... added some chopped chicken breasts and kidney beans. Yum! We had it with pearled barley, steamed broccoli and brussels (surprise, surprise, right?? ha) Also, we sprayed some balsamic vinegar on top of it all and ate some of my chicken with honey mustard (I love honey mustard), though it really didn't need any.

Here was my a.m. snack of the day ... What is it? Very good! Ha, it's a chopped banana with ground flax seed, cacao nibs, agave nectar, and unsweetened organic coconut on top. And to end this post, some easy recipe alternatives that cut down on fat and calories found in Clean Eating Magazine:

-Don't Fry It
: Baking, braising, broiling, grilling, poaching, roasting, sauteing and steaming don't add excess fat, oil or sodium.

-Do Remove The Skin and Fat
: Strip the skin off chicken and trim fat from meat.

-Don't Forget Fiber:
Use beans or lentils to up fiber and reduce fat.

-Do Replace Cream
: Substitute with evaporated skim milk in casserole.

-Don't Season With Butter:
Top a baked potato with salsa, low-fat sour cream and chives, plan low-fat yogurt (or greek yogurt, yum!), or chili powder instead.

-Do Read Labels:
Opt for leaner cuts of meat, lower or sodium substituions and low-fat finds.

Have a fabulous night/morning/day/whenever you're reading this!! :D ... I'm out!


  1. Oh my gosh tasty! And thanks for sharing about Clean Eating! I can't seem to find it! I might try Chapters at the end of this week!

  2. that dinner looks so great!
    thanks for the tips :)

  3. how sweet of your hubby to make dinner! It looks good too!

    have a goodnight girl <3

  4. HEY! Whats up? I have never cooked with sesame oil- I want to give it a try. Great tips- I use them every single day! They make a huge difference :) Glad you're having such a great Monday

  5. Yum, Yum, Yum!!

    Thanks for the clean eating tips!

    Have a super night!

  6. I love your snack! It sounds so perfect. :)

    I always enjoy Clean Eating Magazine. Great tips!

  7. yum! great eats! and tips- very important!

    Kelly Turner

  8. dont you just love toasted sesame oil!


  10. There are those Brussel sprouts again! Love it!

  11. thanks for the tips! love it!!! and sesame oil is so so good used some last night in my tofu!


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