Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Jerusalem Cafe

How did it become Wednesday already??

I don't know. But I won't complain.

First off, thanks everyone for all your nice comments about my bad night!! I almost didn't even say anything about it on my blog but figured, why not? And am so glad I did! I loved all the encouraging words and reassurance that I'm not the only one!! : )

Here's a random me pretending to have muscles, lol.
Okay, enough of that.

As promised, I have one more restaurant review from our Valentine's weekend. And that restaurant is .... Jerusalem Cafe in KC. I'm sure you can guess what kind of food they have by the name. We first started off with some hummus. (Very good!!)Next, came our side salads and I decided to have a green tea (tasted a bit funny, but I'm thinking it may have been the sweetener I put in that I hadn't ever used before). The salad was delicious ... I love feta!! Now by all logical means I should have stopped there. I was satisfied, and everything had tasted GREAT. But I did not. Ha, the main course was a chicken gyro with rice. (sorry about the bad picture!)

All in all, as evident by how much I ate (I almost ate every single bite on that plate!), Jerusalem Cafe was very tasty in my opinion and definitely worth the visit.

And I just may have eaten more than my husband. He ate more hummus than me but I ate more of the main dish than he did. Ha, I sure went at it! But it's fun to do that once in awhile ; ) And now it's that time again to get ready for work. I may be there quite awhile today because our department is behind (I'll be sure to bring plenty of food;)

Have a great day, everyone!! : )


  1. Good luck on your long day today!! And the Jerusalem Cafe looks great!

  2. Yum, that restaurant looks great! I love feta too. Good luck at work today!

  3. Fabulous restaurant!!

    Happy Wednesday!! I know you'll get through the long day, no worries!!

  4. Yum, all of the food looks great from Jerusalem Cafe!

    And wood floors and I don't get along ;) We also have them through our entire house and I CANNOT for the life of me keep them clean! Although Swiffer came out with wood cleaner so I just use that to mop!
    But I shouldn't complain, wood floors are so pretty.

  5. what a cool looking restaurant. We dont really have that many "different" restaurants where I live, they are mostly chains! booo!

    love the muscle pic girl, flex those things! haha. Hope your having a good mid-week dear. love ya <3

  6. Hey girl- super cute pic of you! And the husband :) You guys just seem like such a wonderful couple! Any restaurant that has hummus is ok in my book!

  7. I love all strong-smelling cheese like feta too! that chicken gyro looks amazing...but the classic gyro is made with lamb, right? have you tried lamb?
    btw, how the heck do you pronouce gyro? I say "yee-ro"

  8. I wanna go to that cafe!
    HAh! Your so cute! you totally have muscles girl!

  9. You're tugging at my heartstrings. I totally love Jerusalem Cafe. It is so yummy. Their falafel used to be one of the best. I haven't been there in a while.

  10. That big bowl of hummus looks soooo good!

    Oh and I definitely see some muscles there. :D

  11. That hummus presentation is so pretty! Sounds like a fun place for something a little different :)

  12. The hummus looks great! Making me hungry for lunch. :)

    Good luck with work craziness!

  13. I love the muscles! Woo hoo!

    I wish I loved hummus.. but I do love gyros so that looks delicious! Have a great day!

  14. Hummus! My favorite, looks like a great meal!

  15. Hope you have a great day!! and love your eats!

  16. That food looks so great. I'm headed out for Greek food on Friday so I'll be having some similar items. Can't wait!!

  17. everything looks amazing!
    hummus sounds delicious!
    haha cute picture.

  18. fun pic of you!!! :D
    food looks delicious, so glad that you ate more than your husband! ^_^ hahha..... I do it sometimes too! it's okay to satisfy our special hunger days! :D

  19. The restaurant looks fun! I love your 'strong woman' pose. Your hair looks fantastic in that photo!

  20. hahah im totally the same way... sometiemes its hard to say NO to delish food!!!

  21. This is definitely one of my favorite types of meals!!!


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