Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Chicken, Veggie Salad, and Coconut Mango Oolong Tea

Well ... we've already made it (almost) past Wednesday ... I can't decide if this week has been dragging or going by fast, haha. Either way, I'm excited for the duration of this week and this weekend because they're callin' for some pretty nice weather ... hooray! (Nice here = 60 ... I realize that sounds "cold" to some readers, but it sounds so warm to me, lol!)

For din-din last night, I had a chicken breasts with honey mustard and a bunch of brussels and snap peas. (I love brussels and snap peas!) Skipping pictures of breakfast and a.m. snack for today, here was lunch ... I decided to go vegetarian for lunch and didn't add any meat to my salad. It had chopped carrots, tomatoes, portobello mushrooms, some crumbled up sprouted lentil bread, a few chopped up dried pitted dates, some left over Ezekiel penne pasta, yummy seasonings, spinach leaves and red wine vinaigrette. Followed by that oh-so-good looking orange, it was a perfect lunch!

My after work snack was some sprouted lentil bread with almond butter and some tea: ) I bought this coconut mango oolong tea a couple months back, had it once, didn't love it and haven't had it since. Now, our tea supply is running low since we need to grocery shop so I decided to give it another try today.

Review :: This time I added a pinch of some organic unsweetened shredded coconut to it to give it some more coconut flavor and I don't know if that's what did the trick but it tasted much better than I remember it being. Yay for trying it again! While it still isn't my favorite tea, if you're a coconut/tropical flavor fan, you would probably love it -- especially with the added shredded coconut.

Hope everyone has a good night watching Lost and/or (fill in the blank), doing homework, hanging out, eating delicious healthy food, or whatever else it is you might be up to ; ) Later my lovely friends!


  1. That does look like the perfect lunch!

    Enjoy your evening!

  2. Chicken with honey mustard sounds great! Yummy lunch too! Hope you enjoy your night girl!!

  3. ok quite rubbing in your nice weather! haha. I have been snowed in my house for two days, I think Im going crazy! haha.

    Have a great night dear <3

  4. Your lunch and dinner look great! Super healthy! I think I will be adding pasta to my salads now!

  5. Delicious eats. Almond butter is wonders!!!

  6. yum yum yum!!

    LOST WAS AMAZING TONIGHT!!! ive never missed an episode :)

  7. Everything looks yummy! 60* sounds so nice right now! I am so ready for some warmer weather!

  8. i didn't realize ezekiel made pasta! everything looks so delicious! so happy for some nice weather to come our way :)

  9. That tea sounds great. I love ones with a tropical flavor. Coconut and mango are two of my favorites. :)

  10. coconut and mango sounds good, but too bad you didn't like it...what if you added a touch of coconut milk into it?
    yay for nice weather~ enjoy it with a nice walk~

  11. 60 degrees!! holla! i love brussels and snap peas too - great side dish!!

    you should totally come visit in nyc!

    is that lentil bread the one you made or did you buy it? it sounds really good, but looks even better! mmmm.

    way to give the tea a second shot! interesting choice with adding the coconut.

  12. Your lunch looks really good! Hmm... coconut mango tea sounds interesting, I love just plain Oolong Tea though. Also, I haven't been able to think of even one slightly spontaneous for me to do... I must be more of an old lady than I thought, Lol!


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