Saturday, February 7, 2009

Quick Post

Happy Saturday!!! : )

Erik and I woke up "late" this morning (6:30), haha. Since we're used to getting up at 4:45 every day we typically aren't ever able to sleep in when we actually can. So I'm sitting here drinking some warm tea blogging ... awhhh.

Last night we watched The Secret Life of Bees. I remember reading the book in high school and thought the movie was pretty good.

This will probably be a pretty quick and short post because we're off to go grocery shopping in just a little bit (yay!) I actually quite enjoy grocery shopping. Anyone else with me or is it something you dread?

Before I forget, here was the final product of the baked chicken from the previous post ... I've discovered that it's really easy to just throw some frozen chicken breasts in the oven when I get home from work and there are so many different ways to season them and bake them and the leftovers are great to put in salads the next day for lunch.

Last night when I got home from work I chopped up a few small sweet potatoes, and put them on a baking sheet with some veggies and we ate them with turkey burgers made on George. I dressed my burger with a slice of 2% organic cheese, onions, One Carb Heinz ketchup and spinach leaves. It's amazing how good sweet potato fries are!!Thinking back on all my eats yesterday, I'm pretty sure I had way too many carbs but I figured hey, it's Friday and just didn't care. (It doesn't help that my husband keeps making sprouted bread that I've become addicted to!!)

Anyways, we're off to grocery shop ... have a lovely weekend, all! : )


  1. I love grocery shopping. :)

    Your finished chicken dinner looks great!! :) Have a good, relaxing Saturday!


    Grocery Shopping? Umm my fave thing to do. EVA. Like I go almost every day (okay maybe not EVERYDAY) even just to walk up and down the aisles, browsing, even if im bored :)

    Can't wait to see all you bring home!! :) X0X0

  3. Brussels sprouts + sweet potatoes + food-shopping = LUCKY YOU!!! All my favorites :-D

  4. I wanted to see that movie, and I actually might get around to, once midterms are over with! Glad you enjoyed it!

    And oh yes to grocery shopping! I love going, that is, only on certain days. The one that I live by is crazy busy, but if I go on Monday's rather than the weekend, it isn't as chaotic - there is limited produce selection on weekends, and most of the good stuff and sale items are all gone, unless you head out there early! Crazy crazy!

  5. i love love grocery shopping!!!! i can literally spend hours in the store trying to pick the best deals, or healthiest food, or finding new goodies... i have to go soon.... YAY!

  6. I LOVE LOVE LOVE going grocery shopping! I spend way too much time shuffling up and down the isles for things I'm sure we don't need! have a great weekend and fun shopping trip:)

  7. I *LOVE* grocery shopping! Especially at Fresh and Easy!

  8. dude those carbs are all A ok in my book! I loooove burgers on sandwich bread it's seriously childhood nostalgia for me :D Have fun at the grosh- I like going to like, 3 in a row! We're all freaks!

  9. atleast waking up early helps you get a jumpstart on your day :) .. i remember when I used to be able to sleep til 10am on the weekend .. oh the good ole days! haha

    I love love love grocery shopping! I don't do it much since I am still in school, but I like to do it when I am home!

  10. That is awesome that your husband is making sprouted bread. How cool!

    Also, I adore grocery shopping. I love finding new stores too, even if they're big chains, its totally fun, and I can spend over an hour, easy.

    Hope you're having a great weekend!

  11. Your eats look amazing! I'm impressed!

    I'd love to watch that movie!

    Hope you have a great Sunday!

  12. I really like grocery shopping too! My hhusband is another story, but he's learning! :)

    All your eats look great! I need to start playing around with chicken recipes. I always have a supply in my freezer but always end up doing the same things with them!


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