Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Turkey-Bean Tacos and More Kale Chips

Hello all!

How's the first part of your week going? The weather is slowly getting nicer each day, and that makes my week good right there : )

If you haven't been able to tell, I've been in the cooking mood more than normal lately and have been having fun! (Unfortunately, I think it's also put me in eating mode, too, as I've definitely been eating way too much in between lunch and dinner :s and I really must stop
soon, haha).

Last night's dinner was Turkey-Bean Tacos.

-1 lb. extra-lean ground turkey
-1 15 oz. can pinto beans
-1 Tsp olive oil
-2 Tbls Chili powder

-Chopped mushrooms
-Chopped red peppers

-Spinach leaves
-Greek yogurt (if desired)
-Brown Rice (if desired)
-Pepper, to taste
-Sea salt, to taste

-Saute mushrooms and red peppers in olive oil
-Add turkey, beans, chili powder, pepper, and sea salt to taste and cook until lightly browned and
cooked through.

**We used Food for Life Rice Tortillas, though we normally use their Ezekiel regular Whole Wheat Tortilla Wraps (they were out).
I topped my tacos with some brown rice, tomatoes, greek yogurt, spinach leaves, Parmesan cheese, and some salsa. Yum! And then I used some leftovers to make a spinach leaf taco salad for lunch today : )

I then made some more kale chips last night with the remainder of my flowering kale. Here they are pre baked:Isn't flowering kale pretty?? One of my newest blogging friends, Lauren, said she loves kale chips with ketchup (we share a love of ketchup, haha) so I tried a few of them with ketchup and I must say I think it was pretty good!

And now I'll leave you with a C.S. Lewis quote that was challenging for me that was on my iGoogle today:

I do not believe one can settle how much we ought to give. I am afraid the only safe rule is to give more than we can spare. ~C.S. Lewis

Wednesday is my long day, so I'm not sure how much I'll be around tomorrow, but I'll be back whenever I'm back : ) Anyone else have a particular "long" day in their week?

Have a WONDERFUL day! : )


  1. TACOS!! KALE CHIPS!! Fabulousness.

    Wonderful quote!!

    Tuesdays/Thursdays are my loooooong days - but not this week, since I'm on spring "break" :-)

  2. your tacos sound oh so delicious!!
    woah - cool kale!!

    wednesdays = the longest day. I hate the middle of the week

  3. Your kale is beautiful! You could put it in a vase and pass it off as a tropical plant! I love it! Something that looks that pretty has to be good for you!

    My longest day of the week is my first day back to work (I work different days every week) for a stretch of shifts. However, my last shift seems to go slow too b/c I can't wait to be done and get out of there!

  4. I am so glad you dig the ketchup on the kale chips! It definitely gives them a whole new flavor and trust me, they get addictive! :)

    Hope you have a wonderful day tomorrow (even though it may be a long one).

  5. lovely quote! We have to live with passion everyday!
    good luck tomorrow with your long day.
    My days are getting longer and longer! :)

  6. your wrap sounds so very good!
    tomorrow is my long day too and usually a day i can not blog, too!
    have a good night, my love :)

  7. I like your new header!

    I'm excited about the warmer weather too! I don't have a specific long day. Occasionally I'll have to work late, but otherwise all my days are the same.

    Have a great night!

  8. I just love C.S. Lewis, he is an amazing person for sure!

    Those tacos look really good, you awesome cook you ;)

    Good luck with your long day tomorrow, I will be sending those positive vibes your way tomorrow my dear! Hope you have a good night and get plenty of rest! love ya <33

  9. arent those wraps great?! my only problem with them is that they fall apart sometimes

  10. Love the eats! And kale is so beautiful!!!!

  11. the kale looks so pretty! thanks so much for the CS lewis quote you left on my post this past week - that was really sweet of you =) its very true - and puts everything into prespective

  12. the tacos look great! so far everyday this week has felt looong. :)

  13. I had nice weather today too and I loved it! If it stays like that, my week should be good! :)

    Enjoy your day tomorrow! My long day is usually Saturdays!

  14. I really am going to have to try these Kale chips, they look soooo good!

  15. Yumm those kale chips look good, i was telling my boss about them and she wants to try them! haha shes like the biggest health nut i know :)

    my long days are normally mondays & thursday - 12 hour work days are not fun!

  16. I see the kale everywhere!! I'm just not brave enough to try it...

  17. Yum, those tacos looks so good and healthy! Hope your long day goes well!

  18. my long day was Monday- so Im good to go.

    Ive never seen such purple kale- pretty!

    Kelly Turner

  19. I have never heard/seen flowering kale before, but it IS very pretty! I can't get into kale chips for some reason, even piled in ketchup (and I'm a ketcup lover, too!).
    Those tortillas look like a great find!

  20. Wow!So beautiful and colorful, like your "new look"!
    And yes, have had a few long days lately, but I'm now on the other side of it and everythings great!

    Your kale is purplish with green, never sen that variety, but would love to try it.

  21. I love your whole "brown" (brown rice and tortillas). It spells healthful and good eats.

  22. Can I just say- you are so positive that it just really brightens my day! I love reading your posts :)

    Any who- I am loving that you are in a "cooking mood". You have been making some really awesome eats. I want to try the kale chips but I know that Josh probably won't like them...may try them for a party or something.

    Long day...hmmm Tuesday is sort of my "long day", but I get to teach Body Step at the end of it so its totally worthwhile

  23. i have got to try some kale! im just so nervous i won't like it! i also found the ezekiel wraps at a store near my house! woo! do you keep them frozen until you want to use theM?

  24. I've been wanting to try kale chips since I'm such a fan of kale! I need to actually make them already!

  25. Ok, I really want to make those kale chips!!


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