Monday, March 23, 2009

Spinach & Garlic stuffed Chicken with Strawberry Pomegrante syrup; POM Review

Another week has begun!

So, I'll just get right to business ... I've cooked several different things incorporating my POM juice in it as well as drank some plain, and so far ... I love it!I hadn't actually tried POM Wonderful pomegranate juice until I received my care package (though I already knew I love POM Wonderful's pomegranates!). So, having tried the juice, I was definitely not disappointed!! I could definitely drink it everyday and not get tired of it. Also, I'm finding that you can do a lot of things with it while cooking and it really adds great flavor!

So tonight, I made garlic and spinach stuffed chicken with a pomegranate strawberry syrup on top.
To make the syrup:
--Very simply, just blend together around 4 large strawberries, about 4 oz. (or a little less) pomegranate juice, and a small spoonful of agave nectar. Then, transfer mixture into a saucepan and heat on medium high while stirring for 5-10 minutes.This syrup would also taste awesome on the almond pancakes I made the other day. Another great idea is to saute veggies with a little bit of POM juice in a skillet. (I've done this a couple times so far ... yum!)

One of the health benefits I like the most about POM Wonderful's juice is that it has such high antioxidants. As it says on POM Wonderful's website "hundreds of scientific tests also show POM to be a superior source of antioxidants, with more and better antioxidants than red wine, grape juice, blueberry juice, cranberry juice, green tea, vitamin C and vitamin E". (And it works out great for me, because I like the taste better than red wine and all those other juices, too! ; )

I'm sure I'll be cooking more with my POM juice so there's probably more POM to come in the future!

And ... that's all for now! Today felt monotonous and I was really tired so hopefully tomorrow I'll be more chipper!! haha.

Hope you're having a great day everyone!! And go drink some POM juice!! ; )

"Love has reasons which reason cannot understand."
-Blaise Pascal-


  1. Hooray for POM!!

    Hoep your Tuesday goes better tomorrow!!

  2. Love it!! I was too lazy to make the fancy recipes :D I'm glad u had a fun weekend with the hubby and cooolldstone!! Yum, you better chipper up girl!

  3. that sounds like a DELICIOUS pom sauce!
    i incorporated pom today into a smoothie - not very creative, but i'm getting there :)

  4. WHOA, so delicious! I want to eat with you!!! LOL

  5. Haha, I have a POM juice sitting in my fridge now but I haven't thought of the perfect way to use it yet. I might have to gank one of your ideas...

  6. oh lesley! If only I had your master cooking skillzzz. You always make the best looking stuff!

  7. Great use of the POM juice! I'll have to remember this when I pick my box up!

  8. I haven't tried POM yet. I've sure seen it around A LOT of blogs though!

    So glad you had such a good birthday weekend!!

    Woo Hoo that Monday is over!!!

  9. Never cooked with pomegranate juice before so your post is really inspiring. I like drinking it straight but a glaze sounds wonderful.

  10. Im not a big fan of pom, but that syrup actually looksgood!

  11. Ah! I am definitely going to make that POM syrup! It looks amazing and I just want some now to put on some pancakes! Great idea!

  12. mmm, strawberry pomegranate syrup?! tasty!!

  13. That sounds great! You always make the most amazing looking food!

  14. Great idea for the syrup, looks tasty.

  15. dinner looks fantastic. POM gave it the special touch! I need to cook with POM as well!

  16. Fantastic looking dinner! Pom is also wonderful on fish! I've made pom glazed fish a few times and it's become one of my favorites.

    I have a bottle in my fridge at the moment and I haven't been using it lately so I am excited to see more of your ideas of this great product.

    Have a great day!

  17. The chicken looks great! I haven't tried POM yet, but I'm glad it works so well in recipes.

  18. You are SO creative w/ the POM! I've just been making drinks!! lame I know :-p yum to that syrup!!

  19. It's so cool to see people cooking with POM. It sounds super yummy, and good for you to boot. :-)

  20. You are so creative with your cooking. Sometimes I read the things you make and think to myself "I would never have thought to do that, but it sounds so good!"

  21. Oh man, keep the POM suggestions coming because I'm told I'm goign to receive a case of their juice as well and I don't know what to do with it because I'm not a juice drinker! My first thought is to put some in my seltzer, which I drink often, but yeah I will need other ideas for how to use it up! Great idea with the sauce - it sounds great.

  22. LOVE the POM juice and your superhero logo. I drank mine all straight up within 2 days of receiving it. I'll have to restock and try some of the recipes. Yours looks great!

  23. Wow! That sauce looks so good. I'll definitely have to give it a try. Thank you for all of your comments. I really appreciated the post you made on "Dilemma". It totally gave me a different perspective.

  24. wow! what fancy looking chicken! sounds delicious :)

  25. Very creative use of the Pom juice!!

  26. sound like a POM party haha :)

  27. the syrup/sauce sounds incredible - nice recipe!

  28. I like the juice better than I like the fruit. probably because the juice doesnt stain everything and make me swear

  29. So creative that dinner looks Delicious!

  30. wow, your dinner looks amazing! yum!!

  31. I really love spinach stuffed anything! SPINACH IS GREAT!

  32. oh that looks phenomenal lesley!
    Wow, thanks for the great review of POM as well and using it in such a great way!

    that quote really spoke to me today- thank you for that too.

  33. How creative!! I'm not sure if I've ever actually had pomegranate juice, even though I've had pomegranates. Hm. Hope you are having a great week!

  34. Wow that dinner looks incredible! Great job with the sauce! :)

  35. The pomegranate strawberry sauce sounds wonderful! I can imagine the wonderful sweet and tangy flavors go so well with the chicken - how delicious! Great use of POM!

  36. I love POM too! And your chicken looks awesome. :)


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