Sunday, March 8, 2009


Welcome to Lesley Lifting Life!

First off, thanks so much for stopping by! : ) Lesley Lifting Life was created to journal my health & wellness journey as I blog about food, fitness, and the challenges of every day life. 

Why Lifting Life?

“Lifting Life” symbolizes many things to me:

  • Facing every day life obstacles that come my way and finding a way to overcome them in a positive, uplifting and healthy way.
  • Finding out how to just by myself.  We’re constantly bombarded with messages, hints, magazine ads and commercials telling us how we should live, what we should look like, how we should act. My goal is to lift myself above what everyone else says I should be and just be who God created me to be!
  • In the literal aspect, I love to workout and I find great satisfaction in bettering myself physically and emotionally by lifting weights and staying active. AA  

A Few Words From Lesley ...

Upon starting college and getting married, I slowly but surely gained about 15 pounds and found myself very disappointed that I was having to buy new jeans and feel bloated all the time. Erik (my husband) finally convinced me to start going to the gym with him. Before this, eating healthy, my weight, etc, never concerned me because I had always just considered myself thin and was happy and content.

At the age of around 19 and 20 came around and the weight started adding up a realization occurred: I cannot keep eating anything I want with no exercise and not gain weight. However, I was always intimidated by going to the gym, and all things working out because I felt "bad" at it and felt like I didn't know what I was doing.


So, my husband became my personal trainer, showing me what I should be doing at the gym, teaching me about what foods are healthy and which ones actually aren't. Surprisingly to me, I began to really enjoy going to the gym, and I was astonished at how much better I felt eating healthy foods. I began reading tons of articles on health and nutrition, reading from my husband's nutrition textbooks, and really enjoyed it. I wasn't sluggish anymore, had way more energy, and a lot more confidence in myself. Around a year went by and I found myself almost 20 pounds lighter than before.

Now, I've actually gained that weight back (and more) but this time it's muscle, as my husband and I really enjoy lifting together ; ) We continue to love living a healthy lifestyle, working out, cooking and eating healthy.

We are very active in our church, and stay busy with work, our dogs, and lifting life!

Feel free to comment or contact Lesley at


  1. LOVE this!! So nice to learn more about you, Lesley!!

  2. Way to go lady! This is so encouraging. I am struggling to lose 15 pounds and go to the gym regularly. It's so hard to do it alone!
    I wish my husband were my trainer ;) That's awesome.
    I can't wait for more healthy recipes from you, I'm trying your mahi mahi recipe tonight!
    Have a great day!

  3. I heart you, Lesley!! You are awesome!

  4. Hey! I'm glad you commented on my blog today, so that I could find yours! I think it's wonderful that you are finding joy and happiness in the life you are living now! I look forward to reading more :)

  5. Aw, I love this story!! Your husband sounds like a sweetie :)

  6. Hi Lesley, just wanted to say thanks for checking out my blog! I like yours!

  7. just found your blog- its awesome :) just started my own, so check it out! can't wait to read more of yours!!!

  8. I am loving LOVING the purple hair!


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