Sunday, September 6, 2009

Mini weekend recap

I love three day weekends. Can every weekend be three days?? Maaaaaybe someday …

We’ve spent most of today in the ER with Erik’s dad because he had to be admitted to the hospital once again. He was in a lot of pain but is doing a little better now simply because he’s in the hospital on more drugs and can get some rest …

Here are some sneak peeks of our weekend thus far, minus the hospital:

POM tea samples (and a fun POM pen).Picture 399

City Market.Picture 410

Nelson-Atkins Museum (hadn’t been there since the add-on of their Bloch building which is architecturally very neat. Erik’s getting into architecture lately so it was fun). Picture 423

Aaaand, some really good local and organic food.Picture 444

That’s all for now. More on most of this later …

Hope your weekend is treating you well : )




  1. awww I hope Erik's dad feels better soon. I've heard good things about the POM Tea! Enjoy the rest of the weekend (I wish they were all three days too)

  2. Gorgeous market!!

    I'm praying harder than ever that Erik's dad recovers quickly and fully - stay strong and hang in there.

  3. Keeping Erik's dad in my prayers.. hang in there!

    Can't wait to hear all about your lovely holiday weekend :)

  4. Oh wow, I just got that same package in the mail, with the pen, but I had no idea it rolled out like that!! haha, I probably never would have realized that..thanks!

  5. You and your family are in my thoughts!

  6. I'm sorry to hear about Erik's dad :( My thoughts are with you guys.
    Looking forward to hearing about the food at that bistro!

  7. Praying for Eric's dad and you guys.

    Hope you still get to enjoy the weekend!


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