Monday, September 7, 2009

City Market

Okay, so I definitely don’t want to go to work tomorrow after a three day weekend, ha. Surprise, surprise.

Erik and I went to City Market on Saturday and here’s a little recap from there. First off, as their website says and if you’re not familiar, City Market “has been one of the largest and most enduring public farmers' markets in the midwest, linking growers and small businesses to the Kansas City community.”

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City Market began in 1857 and it currently has more than 30 full-time merchants that are open year-round.

There are many more in the summer months (a lot more) equaling more than 140 vender stalls that include plants, fruits, vegetables, herbs, fresh baked goods and other sweets, cut flowers and crafts made by local artisans.

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A couple venders that I particularly love is because of these …  fresh loose leaf tea and fresh spices & herbs.

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So neat!

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Erik and I got some cold tea to drink while we were walking around. I tried pomegranate pear and Erik got some kind of Roobios tea (I forget what kind).

Oh my goodness, it was the most flavorful tea I had ever had … SO good!!

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I wish I would have bought some of the pomegranate pear to bring home with me but I didn’t.

Basically, I love City Market and I wish I lived closer to it so I could get all my produce there (because I think I would)!

I just love farmer’s markets and all things fresh like that!! Ha, it’s very exciting to me! : )





  1. I find markets exciting too! That one looks really cool, glad you had fun! :)

  2. Farmers Markets are great! I plan to go to the big one in Dallas next Saturday. The one's in my area are small & contained about 5 booths.

  3. That place looks amazing!! I would go there everyday if I could, such a great selection, and it looks like a wonderful atmosphere!

  4. The tea sounds great! I love farmer's markets for the new and different things you can try! :)

  5. Loveeee the farmers market! So many great fresh fruit/veggies- not to mention yummy beverages and prepared foods. Glad you two had fun

  6. pomegranate pear is such a great fusion of flavors! Sounds like someone has a great weekend at the market :)

  7. I love farmers market dates. To me, they are more romantic than any other date. Beautiful fruits and veggies really do set the mood for me. LoL! :)

    Glad you had a nice day off.

    Take care hun!

  8. MAN! I would be there every week!

    I hope Erik's dad is doing okay...I'm keeping you all in my prayers.

  9. What a great market! The pomegranate pear tea sounds delicious.

  10. Ooooh, I absolutely adore farmers' markets too!! Thank you for the tour of your glorious market! All the loose leaf teas and spices are positively dreamy... I can almost smell the delicious scents from here! :-)

  11. Looove farmers markets! Pomagranate Pear sounds delicious!


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