Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Grass shots & turkey chops

Hi again : )

This morning I tried my wheatgrass in a slightly different way. My fellow native Nebraskan friend and fellow blogger Andrea suggested a wheatgrass shot. So that’s what I went for today. I mixed 2-3 inches round bunch of wheatgrass with a little unsweetened almond milk.

 Picture 241

Only problem? There’s only so much “juicing” a blender will do :s  This was much more bearable than my huge smoothie yesterday morning but I need a juicer!

See what I mean?

Picture 243

Dinner tonight was turkey breast cutlets with a fresh chopped tomato and some kale sautéed in balsamic vinegar. (So good with balsamic!) Alongside I had some brown rice and mixed veggies.

Picture 250

And here’s Erik making a weird face.

This poor guy has had some much trouble and complications with a dumb and really bad sinus infection that started almost two months ago. Just as we think it’s actually over on his last day on his medicine, yesterday he had an allergic reaction to some pills they had him on and had horrible stomach pain and hives all over his body, among other things.

Picture 254

(He had some Annie’s mac ‘n cheese with his dinner, his stomach hasn’t been to nice to him lately with all this medicine/sinus business and mac ‘n cheese is easier on it. )

And that’s about all here. We’re watching Biggest Loser. It’s our first season watching it and I’m already kind of addicted :s

Bye for now!!




  1. oh gosh! Poooooor Erik! That sounds miserable- hope he feels better tomorrow. Great dinner girl- love balsamic vinegar-yum!

  2. Poor Erik! What a nasty reaction!

  3. Ughhh I have meetings every week during BL time!! We also decided against getting cable in the apartment!! Hopefully they'll post them online because I am the biggest sucker for the Biggest Loser :)

  4. I had to study so I DVR'd Biggest Loser. I am so impatient with commercials now that I have discovered DVR!

  5. Poor Erik! How scary that must have been, when he broke out in hives, poor guy!

    Such a great idea, mixing almond milk in your wheatgrass shot! I usually have a wheatgrass shot twice a week, but I've always just "tossed back" the shot straight - I'm sure it tasted much much better with the almond milk mixed in! :-) I too long for a wheatgrass juicer - I have to keep going to a nearby juice and smoothie shop for my wheatgrass... Ah, to have a juicer... :-)

    I hope Erik feels better soon!

  6. When I worked in a local coffe shop we use to grow wheat grass and make shots. The only people that ever ordered them were hard core fitness/workout gurus. They wern't cheap either. One shot was around 2-3 dollars.

    Dinner looks great hun! I love kale in basalmic. So yummy.

    Have a great day today love!

  7. Oh that sounds like NO FUN! Poor Erik. But, yeah for Annie's Mac and Cheese! At least that's a tasty food to eat for an upset stomach.

  8. HEY! I have that same cup. LOL! And don't ya know I've never tried Kale. Me thinks I'll pick some up this weekend. Thanks for the inspiration.

  9. I love having a juicer. I'm not a big fan of thicker, smoothie type drinks, but I love fresh juices with fruits, veggeies and herbs. Your turkey cutlet looks so good! What a great dinner. Hope Erik feels better soon!

  10. Sauteed kale and toms in balsamic sounds amazing! :)

  11. oh a wheat grass shot, sounds much more do-able (TWSS) but I still don't know if i'd be able to stomach it (TWSS x's 2)

    poor guy! hope Eric feels better soooooon :(

  12. Hope Erik gets feeling better!

  13. hey thanks for shout out + tag in your post!

    isn't it so much better to just get the wheatgrass over with lol?

    Since it is soo good for you its all worth it!

  14. You are so brave. I can't get past smells of things...and this looks like one of those things I wouldn't even try, no matter how good for me it might be.

  15. I just found your blog from your guest post on Peanut Butter & Jenny... Just wanted to let you know that he could have atypical migraines. I was on antibiotics for 4 months straight as they were treating what they thought was a stubborn sinus infection. It was actually atypical facial migraines. I hope he's feeling better soon and let me know if you have any questions! Good luck!


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