Tuesday, October 27, 2009

POM Spiced cider & grass fed beef

I love POM Wonderful! This Spiced POM Cider came in the mail the other day and it smells so good! I can’t wait to try it.

Thanks for always being so generous, POM : )

Picture 59483

Last night we had our grass fed beef that we got at Whole Foods the other day.

We Erik cooked it on the George Foreman (though a regular grill would have been better ; )

Picture 59472

A few random facts and health benefits of grass fed beef vs grain fed:

  • Assuming that you eat a typical amount of beef (66 pounds a year), switching to grass fed beef could save you approximately 18,000 calories a year and if everything else in your diet stayed the same, you'll lose about 6 pounds a year. - Gearld Fry [source]
  • Grass Fed Beef is four to six times lower in fat than grain fed beef and contains only half the saturated fat, making it as lean as poultry and wild game. [source]

There are many more reasons why grass fed beef is superior to grain fed, not only for our own health but for the environment. I plan on writing a more extensive post on this when I have more time.

Picture 59475

The taste of our grass fed beef? Loved it! It’s hard to put it into words but it tasted much cleaner and just had tons of flavor. The best burger I’ve ever had off of the George Foreman times ten!

Now I just wish I had easy access to grass fed beef so I could eat it more!

That’s all folks … have a great night/day/morning! : )




  1. I don't eat meat, but glad you enjoyed it:)

  2. I probably won't always buy grass-fed beef because it's so expensive, but I'll definitely give it a try! It sounds tastier, for sure.

  3. Is there anything that POM doesn't make?? The cider looks wonderful!

    Glad you had a great night Lesley!

  4. I didn't know that about grass fed beef, thanks for the info! The meal looks delicious, go Erik!

  5. POM totally rocks. POM cider??? I want to try this so bad. Sounds incredibly tasty. We're still raving about the nectarine POM

  6. I had a wonderful grass fed steak for dinner last night too. Yours looks great with the cheese on it. POM Cider? Oh. My. Goodness.

  7. jeeeze, what will POM come out with next?!! they're the best!

  8. Just found your blog and I love it! You've got some really great recipes... and I LOVEEE POM! Can't wait to try POM cider!
    I'll be checking back often :)
    -Mini Baker

  9. thanks for the info lesley! I got the raw stevia packest in the mail thank you so much!!!!

    My google reader is not updating my posts but I am still updating everyday!!



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