Monday, January 18, 2010

Originally Organics Vending update, grilled veggies

Hello! :)

Thank you guys all so much for all the nice comments about how often I blog. I feel so much better having taken the pressure off myself! In fact, I never meant to let it get there, it just kind of crept up on me … needless to say, I thoroughly enjoyed my weekend! Erik and I got to spend a lot of wonderful and fun quality time together. I love my husband and life with him only gets better and better!

And thanks to everyone who joined in the protein discussion! ; )

Originally Organics Vending Update

I haven’t said much about our business lately because there hasn’t been much to say! Ha. The behind the scenes work was still being done but we’re very close to launching the vending machines! On Sunday after church, we took a drive down to the KC area to scope out the schools and locations our vending machines will be in.

The five starting locations include 3 schools and an ice arena. The machines will be arriving in about a week (hooray!) We’re so excited to get this going!

Since we were in the neighborhood we stopped at Whole Foods to grab some dinner and a few groceries.DPP_0001
As always … we ate good ; ) I tried a few salads I didn’t love (which doesn’t happen very often). But my meal was redeemed with rotisserie chicken, mushrooms, sweet potatoes, and grilled onions …. I absolutely love grilled veggies!DPP_0002 Erik probably won’t like this picture but I do ; )DPP_0003  DPP_0004
We even got to eat by some lovely flowers. DPP_0005 We had a great day and it was nice to actually see the vending locations up close and personal. Hopefully soon I can give you all a more detailed update!

It was just a little bit foggy on the way home, haha …DPP_0006

I took a break from lifting the past few days so that I go go back into it with a refreshed mindset. Tonight …. I relax and eat Amy’s pizza ; ) Tomorrow, regularly planned lifting will resume.

Hope your week is off to great start!! :)

In honor of Martin Luther King Junior Day, I’ll leave you with this quote:

"Justice at its love correcting everything that stands against love."
- Martin Luther King, Jr.



  1. Glad the vending project is still moving forward. So excited for you guys! Great dinner too:)

  2. That is such great news about your business. Congrats! I haven't been by in a while so I need to get busy catching up on your posts!

  3. Very exciting that you have selected the first few locations! I'm sure they're going to do amazingly well. <3 WFs.....I always spend too much $$ there ;)

  4. I've said it before, but I love the vending machine idea! Can't wait to hear how it goes!

  5. Rotisserie chicken + roasted veggies are two of my favorite foods!

    I'm looking forward to hearing more about the vending machine plans, sounds great :)

  6. wow, that fog is crazy! That dinner looks really good :-)

  7. I love grilled veggies, too...they look delicious! It's been really foggy here, too. Crazy!

  8. We have fog all over here in Columbus too, it's dangerous!

    So glad to hear the business is getting started, and things are happening. I can't wait to see pictures of them when you get them! I almost did my thesis on a vending machine program called "Snack Wise". It was a nutrition program that rated the foods in vending machines. I just find them so fascinating!

  9. lesley!
    SO sweet about your hubby-i love that.. yall are blessed and he is blessed to have an amazing wife like you!
    LOVE grilled veggies, amen!

  10. What is it about grilled veggies that make it SO damn wonderful? I can eat a plate (and more!) of those!

    Yay for your business getting started! Maybe one day it'll come down to USC?

  11. Your business sounds awesome, love to see the snacks you have in your machines. Your photos are beautiful -so crisp with amazing lighting! What lens do you use?

  12. Rest days are goooooood! For your body and soul. =)

  13. Hi there...
    I would love to learn more about the healthy vending machine business!!! That would e right up my alley!!
    Where did you even start??? I think it would be great to have healthy options when you're out and about!! I know I have not seen those vending machines anywhere around here!!
    might be something I should research a little more!

  14. I bet the vending machine will do awesome at the arena! Having spent lots of time at them this year has put a dent in my wallet! Once my son gets off the ice he is ravenous! ;)

    Your drive home looks the same as our on Sunday...

  15. The fog is insane! Good luck with the business :)

  16. What an exciting business venture! Can't wait to see how it pans out. :)

  17. Congrats on the business!!! Very exciting & time with hubby too! What else can you ask for! :-)

  18. Congratulations on these first steps in your business! My fingers are crossed for your success!

  19. sounds like a beautiful day!
    and congrats with the business :D

    I adore grilled veggies <3 my favorite.

  20. I didn't know you guys were starting your own business!! That is awesome, and it sounds like a great idea to help make healthier food more convenient. Good luck!

  21. wow sounds like you are off to a great start! whole foods is the BEST! but sometimes I don't like their concoctions in their salad bars either! roasted veggies are THE BEST!

  22. I am so intrigued by your vending machine business--can't wait to see everything you stock em' with. So cool you and your hubby can join in on something together!

    Grilled veggies are my fav as well--I could eat them morning, afternoon, and night! :-)

  23. so excited by your business venture! I'm sure you are even more excited though!

    I also love grilled veggies and eating at whole food - but I don't like how I can end up spending $15 on a salad there!

    hope you've had a great week!


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