Monday, January 11, 2010

I love Whole Foods … busy day

Monday already! Hope everyone had a nice weekend! :)

After church on Sunday, we ended up going to Kansas City again. This time, to go to Dick’s. Neither of us have much for winter fitness clothes and it’s definitely winter! Plus, when we’re not working, we’re pretty much always wearing workout clothes (comfortable, anyone??) Thus … a well spent investment.

While in KC, we made a stop at Whole Foods for some food. They have the best food bar ever! Ha, I always pile my plate as full as I can possibly get it.  I love their grilled onions!DPP_0001 DPP_0002Then, we picked up a  few grocery items and I took a bunch of pictures. DPP_0003I’m usually shy at taking pictures in public places such as grocery stores and restaurants but I’m trying to break out of my shell more and more, ha.  DPP_0004 I love Whole Foods! Bins and bins full of grainy goodness!DPP_0005 We got some quinoa and some goji berries.DPP_0006  Here’s a bunch of exotic fruits. I didn’t get any but thoroughly enjoyed just looking at them all!DPP_0008Look at all that fresh organic product … love it! DPP_0009 Seafood counter …DPP_0010 Cheese and olives …DPP_0011 Tons of tea … if you’re a long time Lesley Lifting Life reader, you know I love my tea!! : )DPP_0012 Pizza, breads, desserts and more …DPP_0013 DPP_0014 Since I now have a juicer, I thought it was high time that I get some wheat grass to juice. I tried this before with a blender and it didn’t work so well. Ha.  I hear it helps to wrap it up in spinach so it juices better? We shall see! DPP_0015Our cart … we didn’t get much.DPP_0016 And here are a few pictures of part of the glorious food bar. Erik and I always talk about how it’s a good thing we live an hour away or we would spend way too much money eating there!DPP_0018DPP_0017Fast-forward …

My Monday has been busy! It went something like this: work, home, cardio/weights/cardio …

… with a few pictures in between …
DPP_0001DPP_0004 DPP_0003DPP_0002   … running errands, home, dinner, blog, bed (except I haven’t done that part yet ; )

Adrian also snuck out of our backyard today and was gone for 3 hours! We thought for a moment we weren’t going to find her.  Needless to say, when she got home, she was pooped. AOh, Adrian ….

Hope your Monday was a fabulous one!! :D



  1. Wow, an EMPTY Whole Foods. I have never seen that!

  2. Whole Foods looks like the PERFECT grocery store!!! West Virginia totalllly needs one! :) Look at that tea section!! I think I would spend hours upon hours in that store!

    Your at-home-gym is completely awesome too!

    I'm looking forward to seeing how the wheatgrass juice turns out!

    Hope you had a wonderful day!

  3. Whole Foods is soooo addicting! Love it!
    My dog Blacki has a little wolf in her, so she kept getting bigger and jumping over every fence we put up! She FINALLY stopped growing so that problem's solved now, but I used to spend afternoons chasing her around town on foot haha!

  4. I wish I had a whole foods closer!!! I LOOVE IT!! The closest one is a 2 hour drive 1.5 hour ferry ride and about another 45 min drive!! EEK!!

    lucky lucky girl. You and your hunny look so happy together!! :)

  5. I've been to WF a billion times, and yet, it NEVER gets old to see another new one. Boy, yours is awesome. Love the plentiful bulk bins; that's my favorite section!

    i have NONE near me
    so jelous!
    i seriously would spend wayyy too much moneyyy in there!

  7. Oh Doll - Whole Foods is my second home. I am there a few times a week doing my grocery shopping there!

    Wonderful pics! I love your posts :)


  8. LOVE Whole Foods. They have so many fun, unique foodie items. I've never tried their grilled onions- def putting it on the to try list. I am going there in search of seaweed salad soon. We went to Dick's Sunday too! I got two tank tops for teaching for $3.98 each! Hooray. Cute pics of ya'll working out.

  9. Your Whole Foods photos are fabulous!!! So bright and colorful, and beautifully composed! I so adore Whole Foods, especially their tea isle!! :-)

  10. I love Whole Foods, too! I hadn't been in YEARS til this weekend, and even my (cheap) hubby had to admit that everything was beautiful! We got some good stuff! : ) Looks like you did, too!

  11. I love WF. The closest one to me is an hour away so when I do get there its SUCH a treat!

    And the second I get home from work, it's yoga pants for this gal!!! :)

  12. Mmmmmmm....whole foods = LOVE! Wish I had one closer to me :-(

  13. That looks so delicious. I love Whole Foods. I'm glad you got some cold workout clothes. Congratulations on the promotion! That is so cool!

  14. I love WF but kinda expensive for me.. :-( BUT I love just walking around!!! Yes, their food is YUMMY!

    You are one busy gal!

    PS; Stevia giveaway over at my place!

  15. I love WF, I am so jealous. Enjoyed the pics!

  16. grocery store envy - I really need to move to a city that has a Whole Foods!

  17. Whole Foods is like a heaven on earth. The pearly gates of whole food goodness are just always so beautiful!! :)

  18. I wish we had a WF in northern MN. Unfortunately the closest is like 4 hours!! However, that might be a blessing in disguise seeming how I might blow my money there very easily. :-P


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