Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Homemade Strawberry Ice Cream

Hello, summer weather!

It’s been in the 90s here in KC for the last couple of days, and I’ve loved it.  It’s so nice sleeping with the windows open, and waking up to the warm sun shining in.

Homemade Strawberry Ice Cream

After all that talk about strawberry ice cream, here the recipe finally is!GG
I’ve been adapting the recipes in my ice cream maker manual, and making them less fattening, which also lowers the calories. 

Most of the recipes call for 2 cups of heavy cream.  That’s a lot!!  I usually put in 1/3 cup organic heavy whipping cream at most, and sub the rest out with milk.  Along with less cream, I use 2% milk verses whole.  These easy substitutions help out a lot! And we still love the taste.GGGAAAAA B
- 1 pint fresh ripe strawberries, sliced
- 3 TB fresh lemon juice
- 1 cup organic cane sugar, divided
- 2 2/3 cups 2 % organic milk
- 1/3 cup organic heavy whipping cream

- In a small bowl, combine sliced strawberries and lemon juice with 1/3 cup of sugar.  Stir and allow the strawberries to sit in the juice for 2 hours (I’ll be honest, I was too impatient, and mine sat for probably 35 minutes, I imagine the flavors would be stronger had I waited the full amount)
- In medium bowl, whisk to combine the milk and rest of the sugar until the sugar is dissolved.  Stir in the heavy cream and vanilla, plus accumulated juices from the strawberry mixture.
- Turn your ice cream machine on, pour the mixture in and let it thicken 25-30 minutes.  Add the sliced strawberries during the last 5 minutes of freezing.

Grilling Time

Since the weather has been so nice, we grilled some burgers the other night.  A great way to have a simple, healthy dinner! H
Grass fed, local beef served with a veggie/quinoa mixture.

To make the quinoa, I sautéed the vegetables in olive oil and a vegetable bouillon cube with a little sea salt and pepper.  Meanwhile, cooked up some quinoa.  When the veggies were softened, I added some quinoa to the skillet and let the flavors absorb for an additional 5 to 10 minutes.  Delicious!HH
And last by not least, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my wonderful mom!!! I’m so blessed, and thankful to have such a great mom who is always, always there for me. 



What’s your favorite summer side dish??

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