Thursday, May 26, 2011

Chickpea Burgers

There once was a bird that kept trying to build a nest on our deck porch light. 

Each day, there would be more nest fragments, and each day, the wind (or us) would knock them down.  Until one day, this bird successfully build a full nest and laid eggs.
1 Bird 1 1 Bird

After that point, we left it, and so far it’s been pretty weatherproof. Now it’s a source of entertainment for us.

Momma bird is very protective and can be found sitting on this nest most hours of the day. Each time we go outside, or even look through the window at the nest, she squawks at us and puffs up her chest like crazy.

We’ll have to see how it all plays out, ha.

1 Bird 2

Chickpea Burgers

A recent dinner of ours was chickpea burgers.  Confession: I have never made any veggie burgers until now. I have no idea why.  They’re so easy to make, and so delicious to eat!

1 Veggie Burger 1

Alongside the burgers, we had roasted broccoli, cauliflower, and onions. The onions were so delicious!

We decided they would make an excellent burger topping for next time.

1 Roasted Veggies

The recipe was mostly made up from recipes I glanced at and meshed together, but here’s in general how these were made.

-- 1 can chickpeas (preferably Eden Alley brand, due to their BPA-free cans; also, I added a few black beans in just for kicks)
-- 1 onion, chopped
-- 1/2 cup dry oats
-- 1 TB minced garlic
-- 2 eggs
-- 1 TB chili powder
-- 1 TB cumin
-- sea salt, to taste

-- Preheat oven at 375 degrees and grease baking sheet.
-- Mash the beans with a fork to desired consistency
-- Blend together the garlic, oats, and eggs in a food processor
-- Combine the beans and egg mixture together and stir in onion, chili powder, cumin, and salt
-- Make into patties, place on a pan, and bake for about 10 minutes on each side

We both really liked them!

1 Veggie Burger
Vegan Chocolate Cupcakes

Dinner was followed by some of our favorite cupcakes:1 Cupcake 11 Cupcake 3
Always delicious, moist, and quick to throw together.  Best part is … without fail, they always rise so nicely!

1 Cupcake 

Until next time …


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