Thursday, April 23, 2009

It's All In How You See Yourself

Hey everyone!

Weather update (wouldn't want to leave that out ; ) ... it's currently about 80 degrees here in lovely Missouri and I'm loving it!! This is one of the nicest days we've had yet this Spring and it just makes me want to be outside! Yesterday was in t
he 70s and I told my friends at work that I think it should be a law that one the very first really nice day in Spring we should all get off work to enjoy it. Ha ... if only!

I came home to find these seasonings and marinades at my door from the kind folks at Amazing Taste. I can't wait to try them and will be reviewing them at a later date.Now onto the real purpose of this post. Something that has been on my mind lately is motivation. How do you stay motivated to live an active lifestyle and faithfully workout?

It seems as though there are some people who are just born to be active. No matter what they do, they're going at a fast pace and they never seem to tire. At any spare moment they have, they're up and doing something. Not only that, they seem to be able to eat whatever they want and not gain any weight (and they have practically no fat on them to start out with). Last but not least, they seem to be good at every physical activity they ever try.

All this being said ... I was not born as this person.

Up until recently, I never thought I could be even close to this person and I've always thought of myself as one who isn't good at participating in any type of physical activity for long periods of time. I have never ever seen myself as an active and fit person. Also, I gain weight very easily.

And if you're like me, you're good at comparing yourselves to random strangers or even people you know and seeing yourself not "as good" as the person next to you. Or, you feel too intimated to try because of similar reasons. See this post called "Fruit & Freedom" and this post entitled "Workout Intimidation" for more info. If you're like that, too, you'll understand!

Slowly but surely, my mindset is changing. I'm beginning to realize that a huge part is all in how you see yourself, and what you believe about yourself. As far as fitness goals are concerned, here are some I have currently to keep myself motivated ...
1) Change how I see myself
I got this tip from Oxygen Magazine "Make a list of positive adjectives that reflect your ideal, fit lifestyle, such as "energetic" and "strong" and keep them on your fridge door."

Here's a list I've come up with : tough, alive, energetic, active, healthy, strong, disciplined, self-controlled, enduring, firm, daring, high-spirited, determined.

2) Be self driven
As the magazine says, "Choose an exercise that makes sense for you and your lifestyle. If you're not a morning person schedule your workouts right after work".

I do my cardio in the morning because I know that's the only time I'll do it consistently. Then three nights a week my husband and I do some weights together. (Since we're doing them together, I know I'll do them ... he motivates me too!)

3) Compare myself only to myself

I use other people's stories to motivate and inspire me but NOT to compare myself to.

Another way I stay motivated is with fitness magazines and reading articles about healthy foods, fitness, nutritional, etc. Currently two of my favorite motivators are also Oxygen Magazine and Muscle & Fitness Hers
All in all, I think it's a process. It's about taking one step at a time, doing what you can and progressing from there. If you try to completely change your diet and all of a sudden workout for an hour everyday, you might very quickly burn out! Start small and work your way up, and as you work your way up, start seeing yourself as you want to see yourself and as cheesy as it sounds, you can become that person and you can achieve your fitness and health goals!

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and I'll leave you with this quote:

"I do not try to dance better than everyone else, I only try to dance better than myself."
-Mikhail Baryshnikov-


  1. such great motivation tips! and yaay on receiving the seasonings!

  2. I have never read Oxygen, but I have seen it. I might give it a quick skim next time and even pick it up. thanks!

  3. great post. one of the most important things (to me) is never comparing myself to ANYone else. i do what i do, and i try to be happy with that. positive thinking is very important to me too...i think there are immeasurable benefits in believing in yourself.

  4. That's great you and your husband motivate each other. Sometimes my husband and I have "gym dates." We wouldn't cancel on a reg. date so it motivates us :)

  5. such an upbeat, positive post! I really like the adjectives you chose and I definitely want to try and come up with some adjectives of my own.

  6. Thanks for the motivational post! I really should stop comparing myself to other people. It never makes me feel good...

  7. I talked about the weather in my post too. :) It's just too gorgeous to ignore!

    Great motivational tips! I love both of those magazines.

  8. i really do think that there are just some people that have natural tendencies towards being active/athletic. I also think reading fitness magazines are a great way to stay motivated, not to mention reading all those superstar blogs!

  9. i like #3! and it's so true about taking things one step at a time so you don't burn out, great post!!

  10. I like #3. It's something I've been trying to focus on more lately. Love me for me and stop comparing myself with other peoples bodies!!

  11. Great post! I love your uplifting, positive attitude! I also like to read health magazines to keep myself informed and inspired. they are great!

  12. great post Lesley.. I used to think that I'm not born that way too. But I think we're animal of habit, if you consistently do an activity for a long time, you just feel that's part of you, that you're born with it. And as you become active and you gained muscles, aka... you don't gain weight easily anymore.
    And it's also very true to be ourselves instead of comparing to other people. what I learned during these years is everyone has a story and everyone get what he/she got because of a reason, maybe evident maybe not, but there must be a reason, nothing is casual. So, I do my best to be just as good as I think I could be.
    have a nice day!

  13. This is great. I've never read Oxygen before but everyone raves about it. I wasn't born wanting to go workout, either...I just want to be a more athletic and strong person so I am making myself do it!
    Happy Friday!

  14. Great post. Can't wait to hear your reviews of the seasoning packets! Are they MSG free? Glad the weather was so nice out there today!

  15. Lesley, your post is beautiful!! I am inspired and moved by your words... I struggle with excessive self-critique too - it's comforting to know I'm not alone, and to hear uplifting words from one who has conquered the tendency and is rising high! Thank you!

  16. I love your tips! I think it's wonderful you have the hubs to motivate you. A few of my close friends/family members are really active, and it motivates me when I talk to them. I just need some gals to run with now!

    Fingers crossed for more gorgeous weather! :-)

  17. You have a great mindset and it's one I need to get myself into, I wish I exercised because I loved it instead of because I know I need to.

  18. "...start seeing yourself as you want to see yourself and as cheesy as it sounds, you can become that person and you can achieve your fitness and health goals!

    Thanks so much for this post. This is something I have seriously been struggling with lately. I always have such a hard time just believing in myself and not being critical. You are so great and such an inspiration!

  19. I received the same spices but haven't done anything with them yet.

    I also tend to compare myself to others and usually to the ones that are in better shape, which is hard. Plus I have a twin, and am constantly wondering who's "bigger" :)

  20. Great post. It's hard not to compare to other people, and I'm often my worst critic.

    Hope you enjoy the great weather!

  21. this post was awesome i love your fitness motivators! enjoy your weekend lovey!

  22. What a fantastic message!! I'm of the belief that you can do ANYTHING if you put your mind to it - workouts included! Enjoy this gorgeous weather!!

  23. Great post and you bring up some good points about self-perception. Have fun with the spices!

  24. I love this post....really do! Enjoy those freebies!

  25. excellent tips! I need to send this to all my couch-potato friends out there.
    lucky you with the free seasonings sample! can't wait to see what you come up with!

  26. Great post! What keeps me motivated is knowing that I will feel so much better after exercising and I keep pictures of ME at my goal weight that help to motivate me.

  27. yay for 80 degree weather!! It was almost 90 here yesterday, and it is supposed to be even warmer today!! I just wish I had a pool to lay out by all day. haha.

  28. Yay for nice weather!!!!!
    I LOVE the Hers muscle and fitness mag. My mom always buys them, and then I gobble them up!

  29. Great tips for motivation - I've been pretty motivated the past week or two, my problem is that my motivation never lasts!

  30. Great post, I really like your positive attitude!

  31. Great post, perspective and self-motivation is so important when it comes to leading healthy lifestyle for you! :)

  32. Great post! I also wasn't one of those people who was born to be active, or who could eat anything and never gain weight. But in the past few years, I've made being active a 'habit' and so if I'm not active for a few days, I start to feel the same as if I hadn't washed my hair or brushed my teeth... kinda wrong!

    I think self-belief, however, is the most powerful tool. Comparing yourself to others is no way to live. As my mum says - there will always be someone better than you! You just have to accept it and work on yourself :-)

    I love fitness mags too - my favourite is Women's Health.

  33. I am still trying to be that person, but I think one thing you said sticks out to me, and that's just take it a day at a time. If you are struggling to maintain weight, or want to lose weight, time goes by so fast, so if you just keep consistent, it will pay off.

    Great post!

  34. you have such great goals! I feel like i was born to be ACTIVE, but for some reason my body makes it really hard. I am an uber klutz and soooo not coordinated, so I have a hard time getting myself to do anything. it's definitely a process, thanks for the fab advice!


  35. what a great post! it's reminders like these that we need :)

  36. I have never, ever liked fitness...ugh. I've tried to be the fitness girl, vowing to get into shape, but it would last a day, a week, a month...then nothing. I've been fortunate to have a high metabolism, but the unfortunate part about that is that because weight has never been an issue (although as I near forty I could certainly lose 10 -15 pounds!), I never had that external motivator to get me in shape. BUT...I tried yoga a few months ago and I LOVE IT!! It's the first type of fitness that I can actually say that about, and it's slowly changing the way I view myself. It makes me feel better inside and out, and I actually (gasp!!) look forward to going to the gym!


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