Sunday, July 12, 2009

Tweeting, Swinging, Lots of Green

Hola, how goes it??

First off ... I'm now tweeting and I need some more people to follow, so find me here:)

Before I continue, my pictures seem to have an unintentional theme of green .... and I like that! ;)

Hopefully the weekend has treated you well. It's been a bit crazy for us, but I won't get into that at the moment. First off ... Erik and I before we went to see 17 Again at our $2.00 movie theater. (It plays slightly older movies a little before they come out on DVD but after they are first released into theaters. Not the mention the theater feels a bit dirty (aka sticky chair arms/doors), buuuuut it's only $2.00!) (please excuse Erik's slightly weird smile that he probably won't like the looks of ; )

In other news, I have consumed a lot of fruit this weekend. We got a huge honey dew melon at Sam's yesterday and then we stopped at my mother-in-law's house and she gave us some peaches, apricots and fuji apples ... yum!! Here is some of the honey dew I consumed with cottage cheese and some walnuts (aka delicious combo!) At some point on Saturday, Erik walked out the front door randomly with a mischievous look on his face so I went out a few minutes later to see what he was up to. Here is how I found him: Ha, there is a random swing hanging from the tree in our front yard (which also happens to be right next to a moderately high traffic street). We don't ever swing on it because it's kind of crooked and quite uncomfortable, plus I'm not sure if it's technically on our property line or our neighbors. None the less, it was quite funny to watch all the cars go by and stare at us which Erik was swinging away and I snapped pictures. That's one of the many reasons I love him ... things like that, haha.

And this morning we started out with a lazy couple of hours, got ready for church and then went to church. (I snapped a picture of our bulletin aka announcement brochure aka whatever you want to call it because I liked the very summery picture on front). And now, here I am at my computer. Erik had to run into work for a few hours to get things ready for a big luncheon he has to put on tomorrow and I'm trying to motivate myself to be productive! Before he left we watched TV for awhile (something we hardly ever do) and it has left me feeling sleepy. So ... I decided to drink a little something green ... ... or maybe a lot of something green, ha.

By the way, who all has seen Food, Inc so far? Erik and I allllmost went to see it today but it's about an hour drive to where it's actually playing and we really didn't have time.

Anyways ... I'm out! ; ) Don't forget to go find me tweeting!

"A person starts to live when he can live outside himself"
-Albert Einstein-


  1. I love that picture of him on the swing. :D So cute.

    I saw Food, Inc. in DC a few weeks ago. If you have the time, it's definitely worth seeing.

  2. You are Eric are so cute! The cottage cheese on melon is fantastic. I love the addition of cottage cheese on any fruit. So good!

    Have the best week hun!

  3. The honeydew, cottage cheese, walnut combination sounds great! Thanks for the idea!

  4. I want to see Food Inc so bad! Its not playing anywhere near us yet...but I keep checking. As you know, I had a ton of fruit this weekend too! Especially today...I just may turn into a fruit ;) Enjoy the rest of the weekend!

  5. I saw food inc this weekend, It was an hour drive from me too, and worth every second. It's amazing, and a must see! It really made me stop and think about where my food comes from. Very eye-opening.

  6. DO IT!! The movie was great... I think I gasp and said "oh my goodness!" more than a 100 times throughout.
    Hope you're having a great summer.

  7. I'm debating whether or not to start tweeting. If I do, I'll look you up!

    I haven't seen Food, Inc. yet. I'd like to, but it's not playing in any of the theaters near us. No one but me has a desire to see it and I have a hard time driving nearly two hours to see a movie solo. Maybe I'll just wait until it comes out on DVD.

  8. $2 movie??!! that is awesome. We just went the other night and paid $10 each - I couldn't believe it!

    the picture of your man swinging is awesome...definitely a framer.

  9. I love that swing! I wish we had one of those, too!

    I used to have a cheapy cheap theater like that near me. You sacrifice so much for that price, but I think it's worth it!

  10. I haven't heard of Food, Inc??

    I do want to see that new movie coming out Julia & Julie about the food blogger, and Julia Child's life!

    I love the picture of your hubby swinging! I swing on the swings every time I take the kids to the park, I love it!

  11. Definitely go see Food, Inc if you can. I'm jealous of your only one hour drive. Ha, ha! I won't be able to see it until this winter, or likely when it comes out on video. I know it has to be amazing just from all I've heard. And when you go see it, tell me how it is. I can hardly wait! :)

  12. that swing looks so fun!! :) see ya on twitter!

  13. I haven't been on a swing in ages! LOVE them...but hammocks are even better:)


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