Thursday, July 30, 2009

Ending giveaway, Favorite Laras, Back

Friday already? Yes! and Yay!!

I've you've missed it all week, hurry up and enter my giveaway that ends IN LESS THAN A DAY at 3:00 Central Time, Friday. I'll be announcing the winner later on Friday afternoon/evening.

Thanks for all the running tips. I suppose it's just not smart to take my cardio from only incline walking to 40 minutes of jogging/sprints (I should have thought that one through more, ha)! I'm happy that cardiovascularly I could do it, but my poor little knee ligaments just weren't ready for it. I didn't even see it coming ... they seem to be feeling a bit better and I'm hoping I can at least lightly walk in the morning.

I've recently decided I think my two favorite Lara flavors thus far are Lemon Bar and Key Lime Pie. (Though I still need to try all the flavors!) Whenever I want a quick snack or bar, I've been buying Laras lately because they're the cheapest bars at my local Hyvee .... way to be the cheapest, Lara, I appreciate it! ; ) Dinner last night was simple and quick. Ground turkey with frozen Asian stir-fry veggies and brown rice, assortment of seasonings, sesame seeds, and balsamic vinegar. As always I made a huge pot of rice because we eat brown rice like it's our job!

Today on my lifting schedule was back. I did:
-lat pull downs
-reverse lat pull downs
-seated lat rows
-lawn mowers
(ha, I don't know what these are technically called but you get the idea).

I did four sets of each and the reps varied, but they were mostly long reps. Here's a little reverse grip lat pull down action on the Boflex. (I'm thankful for our Boflex). I consider back to be one of my easier lifting days, but I find I really have to concentrate on working my back and using just my back to complete the exercises so that I don't use my bis and arms, etc. I'm learning! I just know that the more I lift, the more I love it! (I had nothing better to do that take pictures of myself between sets :p)

Have a wonderful Friday, friends!!! : )

"The grand essentials of happiness are: something to do, something to love, and something to hope for."
- Allan K. Chalmers


  1. I have yet to try either of those Larabars but I just had the Cherry Pie and sadly, I wasn't too much of a fan. It was way too tart for me and I was sad because I LOVE cherry falvored things.

    Oh well, I'm not giving up on the bars, I just need to get some more flavors.

    I had stir fry tonight too! Oh, how I love stir fries, they are so quick and delicious!

    Hope you are doing amazing sweet sweet girl!

  2. Your dinner looks so good. I might be stealing your meal for tomorrow night :)

  3. I love Larabars and have to say Im not sure I could pick my fav 2!!!
    Yummy dinner!!! and great workout!

  4. Larbars are the cheapest at your grocery store? Man, they are the most expensive at ours! Maybe not most, but one of the most.

    The turkey dish looks great. I buy/consume a lot of ground turkey, it's what I use for my tacos, soups, salads, sandwiches, etc! Great recipe.

  5. Mmmm brown rice is so awesome, I haven't made some in a while, I need to though! It is great to last through the week!

    I love lifting too, it just makes me feel powerful in a different way than cardio does!

  6. I like the coconut Larabars best :)

  7. I didn't like Larabars at first but they have grown on me!!

  8. I want to try the new PB and J Larabars! I don't know if they have actually been "released" here yet though.

  9. oh... look at you girl... you're super powerful woman!!! love your arms! :)

  10. Love that quote.
    Thanks for the weight-lifting inspiration...I haven't done it all week! Yikes!

  11. Hey chica! yes, laras are awesome! I love how many DIFFERENT flavors there are. You can always switch it up and keep things interesting. Great job on the lifting and have a fabulous weekend!

  12. I've only tried Larabars once because they are sort of expensive at our grocery. All the flavors sound really interesting, though.

    Great job on the lifting... you look so hard core!

  13. I LOVE the Lemon Lara, too - I haven't been able to find the Key Lime at my store! But I LOVE all things Key Lime, so I'm sure it'd be right up my alley. I love that they're "cheap," too - well, as cheap as good bars get!! :-)

  14. I've been too chicken to try the lemon and lime Laras! I just need to suck it up one of these days!

    Check you out with the back work out - I love lifting weights too! I like feeling strong :)

  15. how is it that you look so dang gorgeous even while working out?! jealous!

  16. The Larabar is cheaper at Walmart ($1.25). I tried the Apple Pie and I liked it!
    So, what kind of brown rice to you buy? Do you buy the organic kind?


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