Thursday, July 30, 2009

Happy Thursday!

Quick Reminder: my Livin' Life Giveaway ends tomorrow!!!

So, I'm currently blogging instead of doing my usual morning cardio routine. Apparently I wasn't smart enough to realize that if you haven't ran much in your life (aka me), and then you all of a sudden do this jog/sprint workout also every other day for almost two weeks, your knees would start hurting. Any running tips here? How much do you run in a week?

I guess I was too eager. I love walking on incline but I saw that workout in Oxygen Magazine and thought, I want to do that! I didn't know how I'd be at it since as previously mentioned running hasn't been my forte. But I wanted to know I could run. And sure enough, I did it! And I loved it! But I loved it too much I guess because now I have to do nothing for a few days and let me knees recoup. Boo! So here's some eats from the past few nights:

Chicken breast over a bed of chick pea puree topped with sauteed mushrooms, tomatoes and spinach. Annnnnd I couldn't help but try some of this banana softserve going around the blog world lately. I simply peeled and chopped a few bananas, froze them, put them in the food processor, added a spoonful of pb aaand some cinnamon. Yum! And here's a slightly weird picture of me doing shoulder presses yesterday (if I can't do cardio, you better believe I'm going to for sure lift!) My shoulder workout went something like this, in case you are curious.(If I look like I'm kind of straining while smiling, I am ... ha. That was near the end of my shoulder presses and I was trying not to fade)

Well, hope you have a happy Thursday, all!!! : )

You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.


  1. Hey girl- I think Meghann (graduatemeghann) and Caitlin (Healthytippingpoint) have a lot on their blogs about running and injuries- so def check them out! I hope your knees start feeling better soon. That chickpea puree sounds fab. I need to try that some time!

  2. Good job with your running! If you don't already have knee sleeves, I'd recommend picking up a pair. My shins are worse than my knees, but sometimes my knees beg for the sleeve!

    And I love your dinner idea.

  3. Boo - my knee has been giving me issues, too! I'd check out the knee sleeves, too - I don't have them yet but I tape my knee and it does help. Also, Caitlin (HTP) has some great physical therapy exercises on her blog that have helped her knees.

    I'm pumped to FINALLY get a food processor so I can try the banana soft serve!! YUM.

  4. Sounds like you're doing the right thing giving your legs a break...I am the same way, if I run too many days in one week, I can barely walk!

    Cross training is your friend :)

  5. yum i just tried the banana soft serve too and loved it! love your lifting pic, you look intense!

  6. Wow you lift some heavy weights above your head! I think I use 3 lb weights for shoulder presses because I'm a wimp! haha I'm impressed!

  7. You're smart for backing off...seriously. I way over did it and had to stop for 3+ months. Then semi over did it again and have had to stop for another 3+ months. Don't let the addiction take over you :) And make sure your shoes aren't worn down!

    PS Love the pic!

  8. So you were digging on the soft serve then? Hooray! :D

  9. Uh...that dinner looks amazing! What did you put in the chick pea puree? That looks great!

  10. Hi Lesley,
    You are looking great!

  11. oh my gosh - chickpea puree sounds amazing!!
    look at those toned guns :)

  12. When I've run in the past it seems like I would always end up with my knees, ankles or hips hurting. So this time I committed to only 3 days per week and I try not to run two days in a row. It has really helped me. I'm finally up to a 10K in distance and a total believer in incorporating other activities into your routine to increase distance and reduce overuse aches and pains.

  13. ow ow two tickets to the gun show please ;)! your arms are smokin' and so toned girl!


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