Monday, July 27, 2009

I've missed blogging!!

Happy Beginning of the Work Week!

--Giveaway reminder: ends Friday at 3:00--

So thus far, I'm really enjoying my more frequent blogging again ... I've really missed it!! And it's inspiring me to want to cook more, ha. We've been having boring food lately, so hopefully that can change!

My week has thus far has been seemingly productive and good. But first some more of yesterday: After church we went over to my mother-in-laws and had salads filled with fresh fruits and veggies and sat outside on the warm deck looking at a pond and beautiful green grass. Ahhh! It was nice. (ha, until it go too hot and we started burning)

And here are the two loafs of banana walnut chocolate bread I baked yesterday. Same recipe as last week, as they were requested to be made again ; )

(note about high gi foods/processed foods like flour: you might think it's my husband who wants me to make this bread again, but in actually, he only took one little bite last week because he's a nice husband and I was saying how good it was and wanted him to try it. He really rarely eats anything like this, in this instance because of the flour; i.e. since flour is so broken down/processed, even though it is whole wheat, it has a fairly high gi and will digest fast, spiking your insulin and causing more of what you're eating to store as fat. And now because of him, I rarely eat any high gi foods myself. Ha, he's an extremely clean eater, but I think that's good for me! I think it's the bodybuilder in him shining through.) I followed Kath's recipe with some minor changes:
-instead of milk, I used almond milk
-instead of honey I used light agave nectar aaaand
-instead of semi-sweet chocolate chips I used half of a chopped up 74% cacao chocolate bar.
-and I added a handful of raisins
Yum! They sadly didn't raise as much as they should have, I think I used too much flour on accident. Buuut I was sure to try one and they still tasted good.

A group from my church planted a community garden in a field right by our church, so when leaving church yesterday, I picked up a huge zucchini from their surplus veggies and my MIL gave me some tomatoes while we were at her house. So tonight when thinking what to do for dinner, I thought hmmm, I'll use my zucchini and tomatoes! Any guesses on what I made??? You'll have to find out tomorrow because it's in the oven ; ) Though if you follow me on Twitter, you probably already know.

I'm lovin' the looks for this banana soft serve that everyone has been making lately and I put some bananas in the freezer tonight so I can make some tomorrow. (Andrea, of Off Her Cork advised me to make sure they are super frozen ... thanks for the advice!)

Well, that's about all for me tonight ... how was your Monday??

"Everytime you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing."
-Mother Teresa-


  1. wow, monster zucchini!! i was going to say zucchini bread... but i don't think tomatoes would go very well in that :)

  2. I checked out Twitter to see what you made, but can't wait to see the final product! Love all the fresh veggies. :)

  3. The bread looks great! I have some agave but I haven't used it yet other than in my coffee. How do you figure out how much to use instead of the sugar?

  4. I've missed you blogging and so happy that you are back more often. ;) I love reading about your days and staying connected with you throughout the week.

    The banana bread looks wonderful! My baking is usually a hit or miss experience. (More misses than hits unfortunitely) Oh well, I will just enjoy looking at yours. :)

    Hope you are well sweet girl!

  5. Hooray for the fresh veggies!!!!!! Seriously- summer is never allowed to end...I don't want to be without fresh fruit and veggies!! The bread looks fantastic. Yummmmmy. My Monday went well thank you :) Onto Tuesday...

  6. Yum that bread sounds perfect! So is your husband a body builder? He seems to know a lot about gi, insulin, fat storage, etc, that sounded like a professional! Of course, as I think you implied, the insulin spike is much less when you use the whole wheat flour, plus the walnuts and bananas help too :)

    Can't wait to see what you made...maybe some sort of casserole??

  7. Ok, first of all I want to eat everything that you took pictures of haha! It is so funny that we were both in KC at the same time, it sounds like we both had a great time. The weather was AMAZING!

  8. Those are beautiful tomatoes! I bet they taste great!

  9. Banana walnut chocolate breads look excellent!

  10. hmm i'm gonna take a wild guess and say you had some guacamolahhh for din?! i hope i'm right or else i'll look like a total dumbie.

    that bread = love! xo

  11. I'm so jealous you're makin' the banana soft serve! A food processor is on my list. I drool everytime I see a pic of that stuff.

  12. That bread sounds so yummy! I love that quote..... it's so true!


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