Monday, May 31, 2010

O.N.E with summer

Hey! Just wanted to stop in a say a few things … first off:

Hope you all had a fabulous Memorial Day!! I think three day weekends are the best.  We got a lot done around the house, so it was a very productive long weekend.

The weather was beautiful and I got to drink some of my favorite coconut water … O.N.E passion fruit coconut water. (I don’t get it often because it’s a bit pricey). Perfect for a hot sunny day!BErik and I did a lot of grilling this weekend too … basically just burgers, but none the less, they were amazing!  Paired with pepper jack cheese and ketchup =  the best combo. 

We enjoyed our burgers with freshly steamed broccoli and cauliflower and fresh corn on the cob. (We were out of buns) …  I love summer! AA(By the way, I’m totally with all of you that said grilled veggies are their favorite … they are probably my absolute favorite as well ; )A And for breakfast two out of the three days in the weekend, I had my healthy french toast.  I’ve decided the more cinnamon the better! (Lots of peanut butter doesn’t hurt either ; )AAAAAAA The second thing I wanted to mention … don’t forgot to enter my current NuNaturals giveaway … it will be ending very soon!!

What did you do this weekend??



  1. I need to try the coconut water! Ah! And your breakfast looks amazing. We did some grilling, lots of relaxing and lots and lots of times with friends <3

  2. I am surprised how much I like the coconut water. I thought it would make me gag after a long hot workout, but it's so refreshing and does such great things for the body!

    Glad you've been enjoying the summer days. Grilling is the one of my favorites things to do this time of year.

    And french toast…I agree, lots of cinnamon and peanut butter…you can never go wrong.

    Take care girl!

  3. Ahhh, I love coconut water! It is so refreshing and delicious (and yes, pricey. Booo). Where did you pick it up?

  4. Glad to hear you had a productive weekend! I finally got my pantry cleaned from top to bottom which was a big task, but a relief now that it's done! :o) And I've been meaning to try that coconut water--it looks tasty and perfect for summer.

  5. those veggies look so good. I agree with you on the more cinnamon too. My weekend was packed: baseball, race, shopping and lunch with mom and sis, concerts, fireworks, yard work, pool it's back to work.

  6. Love grilled veggies, as well! And your french toast looks amazing. I always think PB makes anything taste better. :-)

  7. Dang that french toast looks awesome! :-)

  8. mmmmmmm this just reminded me I have one of those coconut water's in my fridge!! :) Looks good, must go drink it!!

    Hope you are doing awesome!!!!!!

  9. mmm, I love grilled veggies too, especially when they are REALLY from the grill!! We are getting a grill soon and I can't wait.

    your French toast looks marvelous! As for the NuNaturals, I won't enter because I just received a HUGE sample myself. It's great!

  10. OMG! The French Toast looks AMAZING!!! Glad to hear you are well. =)

  11. I've never seen that Coconut water before! It looks so good!!

    I'm going to have to look out for that.

    I love your french toast too! Yummy!

  12. Your nails look adorable! It was nice to catch up on your blog. It's been a while!!


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