Sunday, February 28, 2010

Broken tea & broken records

Hello: )

Yes, I am still alive! How’s everyone doing?? I’ve had to work quite a bit of overtime lately and my days have been basically this:

7 a.m. - 5:15 p.m. = work
5:45 - 7:30ish = workout
7:30 - 9:30ish = make dinner, eat dinner, misc. stuff around the house, shower and bed

Anyways … this keeps me pretty busy and doesn’t leave tons of time for blogging! Moving on …

Bone to pick with Tazo

Okay, so I have a slight bone to pick with Tazo regarding their tea! If you’ve been reading Lesley Lifting Life for long, you’ll know that I LOVE tea and have at least one cup every day with no fail, and Tazo happens to be one of my all time favorite tea brands. One of my favorite flavors of Tazo is Passion. It’s so good both cold and hot.

Anyways … the last two containers have had at least 4 bags that are faulty. (One of the containers had just about half of the packets like that!) They either have no tea leaves in them, or completely fall apart and break once taken out of the package. Out of curiosity, has anyone else had this happen with any Tazo teas??

Of course, I will continue to drink it because I love it but, man, it’s already a little pricey so I really don’t like paying for packets that are faulty and that I don’t even get to drink! 


The Gym

While we love our home gym and are so glad we have it, lately we have been working out at a real gym just to switch things up a little and to have more options. Ha, however, we’re getting spoiled and aren’t going to want to work out in our basement now :p

I’ve loved working out in an actual gym thus far. It’s amazing how far I’ve come. When I first started working out, I was incredibly intimidated by gyms! But now I can go in an knock out an awesome workout like it’s nothing ; ) And instead of intimidating me, now all the people around me just make me lift that much harder. I love it! : )

Anyways, today at the gym we did chest. Erik is happy we’ve been going to a real gym because we ran out of plates for him to bench, ha. We only have 300 pounds of weights at home and he’s up to 365 at the moment. And I was very happy to bench 115 today … that’s a personal best thus far! : ) Hooray!

And for convenience sake, the gym we’ve been going to is only about a mile and a half from our house so we can easily come home after working out and have a shake.DPP_0002
So there’s a quick rundown of our lives lately. I’ll leave you with a random picture of Bubba that was on my camera.

Have a great week! : )DPP_0001 



  1. Good to hear from you! Nice job on your new best! I don't drink tea, but that is not fun. I hope they improve!

  2. glad you're doing well! it's noce to have options :) and that picture you captured of bubba is awesome!

  3. I've had 2 faulty ones at Starbucks so far... both times I was no where close to Starbucks when I noticed! BOOO...

    Nice to see you post, it's been awhile... but glad life is good!!

  4. glad to see you are doing well lesley! keep on doing great!

  5. I bet you two are that hot, buff, intimidating couple in the gym that everyone else wishes they could be. ;)

  6. That stinks about the tea. I would write to the company to complain. That tea is not cheap and they should have a better showing than that.

    Glad you are switching up the routines.

  7. Wow--sounds like your days are pretty filled up! Hope you get a day of R&R to enjoy soon. Have a good week! :-)

  8. I have a bone to pick with Tazo too! Their vanilla tea doesn't taste anything like vanilla.

    Looks like you guys are doing great!

  9. I used to be really intimidated at the gym. After a few weeks, and getting to know some people, and realizing I can hold my own, it got better. I like how just having people around motivates me to push myself.

  10. Wow, those are definitely some long days! Glad you got a chance to stop by and give us an update :)

    And I would definitely contact the Tazo people and let them know what's going on. It's my experience that most companies are REALLY accomodating, especially since you love their products so much!

    I love working out in gyms now. I think for everyone they are intimidating at first, but once you get used to it, it's a very motivating environment! Have a great week!

  11. I've never had that prob with TAZO but I would be annoyed if I did! Have you contacted them about it?

  12. Yikes, BUSY!!!!! Hope the workouts are doing great!

  13. Glad to hear you are doing well! Busy, but well. =)

  14. Good job on your bench press!!! It's definitely nice to have the option of home workout or gym workout.

  15. I would e-mail the company and let them know. They should give you replacement for tea bags that are broken.

    I had a bad experience at a new restaurant near my office, ordered a turkey sandwich, got back to my office, the bread was wrong, the lettuce was wet, they put tomatoes AND mayo on when I asked them not to. So I e-mailed them, the manager e-mailed me back and bought lunch for me to apologize. So, it always pays to let people know if you are dissapointed in their product!

    Great job on all your accomplishments Lesley! You are doing awesome!

  16. I am the same way, I used to be intimidated by girls and guys at the gym, but now I like to use them as a way to keep me motivated! Especially when I am on a cardio machine, next to someone else. I don't try to "Beat" them or anything, but if they seem to be really pushing themselves, it helps me push myself more too!

    It sounds like you're been really busy with work and training. I hope it's a fun busy though. I can't wait to see your final "look" before you compete. The Arnold Classic is in town this weekend, and I thought of you :)

  17. hooray! Glad to see a post up from you! Sorry to hear about the tea issues :( I'm not a big tea drinker so I can't help much. Great job on the lifting record- glad you're enjoying working out at the gym! Miss you! Get some rest over there

  18. hey girl! glad you are doing well! that smoothie looks delish!! nice and frothy!

  19. I'd definitely contact Tazo about the tea issue. Sounds like there was just a really bad (very large) batch.

  20. As always, I looove Bubba. And I love that tea too but have never had a faulty bag! That's strange! I bet you could contact them through a website or something and get some free tea out of it!

  21. Hope all is well and you are rocking out your workouts! I was thinking about you the other day and just wanted to stop in and say HI! =)


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