Friday, August 21, 2009

Winner and dinner

Finally the weekend! (I say that, but really, the week flew by). 

I really enjoyed reading all your fitness/healthy eating stories for my giveaway entry … very inspiring!! And the random winner of the magazine subscription is ……..

Mandy : ) who wrote:

“I LOVE both of these magazines!! I don't have a subscription to either... but would love the chance to have either of them! :)

Ten years ago, I weighed 237 pounds... I went through many different "diets" trying to lose weight. Throughout those diets... I lost weight, gained weight, lost weight...I finally found my way to a better way of eating - healthy, nutritious food - not processed, junk! I lost 100 pounds! I gained some weight back during my pregnancy four years ago... but thankfully, clean eating has a way of whipping your body back into shape :) I also found a great work out program that combines weight lifting & cardio - I've been doing it for six years and STILL love it! They had my husband and I in their most recent infomercial as success stories!”

Congrats! And thanks to everyone who entered.

Tonight is a recent favorite of ours …. zucchini lasagna.Picture 265

With garlic Ezekiel bread.

Picture 263

I drizzled the bread with EVOO and seasoned it with garlic powder and a tomato basil spice mix then put them in the oven with the lasagna until they were crispy.

And here’s my two younger doggies.  Adrian is telling Rocky with her eyes she better not come near her bone because it’s HERS. Haha.

Picture 258

And Rocky busy with her own doggie treat.Picture 260

Have a great weekend!





  1. That zuch lasagna looks incredible! What a great din din!! Cute pictures of the puppers too! You really have a full house right now!

  2. Mmm, the lasagna looks great!

  3. zucchini lasagna? Holy moly that sounds fabulous! And what a creative way to make healthy garlic bread!

  4. Garlic Ezekiel bread--what a great idea! I always get the cinnamon raisin so that would taste funky :) Can't wait to get me some when I hit up TJs tomorrow. Have a great weekend.

  5. yum zucchini lasagna! I want to try that out!

  6. Are you posting the zucchini lasagna recipe? It looks delish!

  7. Zuchinni lasanga sounds incredible Lesley. I love veggie lasangas so much. Pretty soon I will be gearing up for Pumpkin lasanga...tis the season! :)

    Hope you have a great weekend my love!

  8. What a fantastic looking lasagna!!!! It's been a while since I've had a good lasagna, and I think I would say that looks like it would satisfy me for days!

  9. that lasagna is a favorite of mine too and i've never even tried it ;) just looks incredible!

  10. The lasagna looks fantastic and I have never tried the garlic Eziekel before.Did you add the seasonings yourself?


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