Friday, August 7, 2009

Weekend, Bubba, and Examiner

Hello everyone!! : )

I'm taking a "break" today from regular scheduled posting because after I got off work today, I just haven't done much of anything! Ha. But anyways, I just wanted to say ....


Couple random things:

I plan on ending my Lifting and Clean Eating Series with a bang so keep reading with anticipation! ;) I've got a couple more parts left but I'm close to wrapping it up.

Tonight we went to visit Bubba (aka Erik's dad's dog) because he's lonely by himself. Erik's dad is back in the hospital right now, so we might actually consider bringing Bubba to our house, except we need to figure out a way to separate him from our dogs. (Bubba is a huge 150 lb old, crabby-if-you-mess-with-him dog and just will not mix with our hyper annoying dogs). Here's a picture of him but it does not do his size justice at all. And here's an old cell phone picture of him. What's your weekend plans??? Whatever they are, I hope you have a great one!! I'll be back tomorrow : )

Oh, and I'm also now the Kansas City Healthy Living Examiner so you can visit me here. I only have one article up so far, but there will be more soon!

"When you do the best you can, you never know what miracle is wrought in your life, or in the life of another."
-Helen Keller-


  1. Awww bubba is a cutie! I bet he loves the attention. Congrats on the examiner- thats super exciting

  2. I love hyper yappy dogs and not so much the larger kind...just read your article over there. It sounds very concise and to the point which is great...The Teacher in me found some grammar/wrong word usage/maybe said this, that which is in quotations below, and I've bolded what I thought you might want to take a look at: "Those are both great stepping stones to being the healthiest you possible. But in additional, here are some other quick and practical tips..."
    I don't normally do this really!?!? I guess I'm just reeeeeeally bored right now...Sorry? I hope you don't mind.

    I love how you write with such enthusiasm and energy! I know what it's like to eat healthy and stay active. I miss that 'kind' of energy :)

    I worked out today...while I waited for my Panago (Pizza, an organic lemonade, Salad, and Cinnamon Sticks with Icing) to be delivered...45mins...but as soon as it arrived I devoured it. Ate quickly and probably too much dough, but BOY oh BOY did it ever taste good. Now however I am feeling the affects of the dairy...I'm allergic. So now I feel lethargic and low, down-in-the-dumps. At least this time I remembered to take my 'Digestion' vitamins and PGX, maybe this time I won't get as sick!

  3. congrats about being the Kansas City healthy living writer :) that's SO awesome!

  4. Ahhhh puppers! When we helped with rescue and had to section dogs off, we used baby gates. They are pretty cheap and even most second hand stores sell them as well. :)

    Oh congrats on the Examiner gig! Did they contact you about it?

  5. I hope Erik's dad is doing okay. I am looking forward to a relaxing Sunday! Can't wait for the end of your series--I've enjoyed it a lot so far. Great job!

  6. Bubba is quite the cutie! Congrats on your Examiner gig. That's great! Hope you've had a great, relaxing weekend!


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