Thursday, August 27, 2009

Smart Chicken & Plums

It’s almost the weekend already, woo hoo!

Hope you guys are all doing fabulous. In case you missed it, please don’t forget to check out my interview with Tosca Reno that was in my last post.  She offered some wonderful advice!  She even put the interview on her blog. (You already know this if you follow me on Twitter, so sorry for the repeat info if you do). I was pretty excited about that because I like Tosca so much! : ) And though it’s pretty much just the same as was on my post, I also included the interview on my Examiner site too, in case you feel like checking that out.

Now onto some eats … I cooked up a bunch of Smart Chicken the other night for dinner.  Picture 325 I don’t know if it’s because I’m paranoid after watching Food, Inc or if it’s something else (*cough* most chicken is nasty and loaded with antibiotics among other things that came from factory farms *cough*) but I just can’t stand the taste of , say, Tyson’s “100% Natural” chicken anymore when I have much more real natural chicken.

There is SUCH a difference between it and chicken like Smart Chicken (though I don’t know how free range Smart Chicken is, I know it tastes much better than Tyson and I know it’s much more real than Tyson!)Picture 326

Simple and easy!

And some of the yummy fruit I’ve been having included this …Picture 298

I’m not even sure what this is, some kind of plum? My MIL gave it to me among some other fruit. All I know is that it was GOOD!

Now I’m off to do some cleaning, laundry, and dinner cooking. (I sound like such a good little housewife, don’t I? HA) I hope to fit in some bis and tris, but I don’t know if that’s going to happen tonight.

Have a good one : )




  1. I agree with you about the chicken, no Tyson for me! i just had some Trader Joe's frozen chicken and it was actually really tasty.

    That fruit is so strange! The skin isn't purple like a plum, but the inside looks just like one!

  2. I feel the same way about Tyson, and I don't think I will ever go near a Smithfield product again in my life. Ugh, so discouraging to see how awful these companies are treating people.

    Glad you made the "smarter" choice with the smart chicken. :)

    Looks so yummy!

  3. I'm so excited to see Food Inc (whenever I finally do) with Josh- I want to see if he'll change his mind on meats afterwards (and maybe we'll start going for all natural only!!) Your chicken looks great Good luck with all the to dos!

  4. That's a pluot - a plum/apricot hybrid :)

  5. Thanks for enlightening us, Liz! Ha, not gonna lie at first I thought you were being clever(because that IS clever ;) but then I looked at another one I had in my fridge and I realize it really IS a pluot : )

  6. SO cool you made Tosca's blog!!!! I bought her book from Costco a couple years ago and I love the recipes, photos, and clean eating advice. Such a weird piece of fruit--glad it was tasty though. At first glance I thought it was a grapefruit or something.

  7. A pluot? interesting, looks so good. I'm not big on plums but I so enjoy apricots.

  8. The pluot plum sounds interesting!!Like your interview with Tosca Reno!!

  9. Mallard bought Tysons "natural chicken" one time...yup only once because I explained the difference between Tyson's and real free-range, no antibiotics and preservatives added chicken.

  10. The chicken looks delicious. Have a good weekend!

  11. your interview with Tosca was SO cool :) congrats on getting that awesome opportunity!

  12. hmm i've never heard of smart chicken -- i've always been a perdue chick (pun intended). looks good to me!

  13. That chicken looks amazing! What seasonings and spices did you use on it?

  14. I love pluots! My dad always brings them when I see him. I love summer produce, but I'm really going to miss this summer fruit.

  15. Looks delicious, have a great week-end!


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