Sunday, August 23, 2009

Pancakes for breakfast

I love weekends and I’m not ready for Monday yet!

I had delicious Oatmeal Berry Protein Powder pancakes this morning … mmmm!!! It was a wonderful break from my normal oats.

Picture 289

Here’s us this morning.

Picture 292 And a better picture of the new ‘do. (Thanks for all the nice comments about it!! ; ) I’ve had long hair most of my life and never loved my hair short so we’ll see how this goes. So far, it’s a really nice change!Picture 307

For lunch, we ate at the Hyvee salad bar real quick because we didn’t feel like cooking and there didn’t seem like anywhere else to go.Picture 296

I piled my plate as high as I could, ha.  However, it was a bit disappointing. Certainly no Whole Foods bar, that’s for sure.

We cleaned out our cars really good today (much needed), and I picked up the house a bit. Aaaand that’s pretty much been the highlights of our Sunday.

Anything exciting going on for you this week?? Erik’s brother and sister are coming from NY on Friday to visit my father-in-law but not much other than that here.




  1. Whoa, that looks like a massive pancake! I should have them for breakfast more often--we just have them for dinner over here.

    Your hair looks great!

  2. I think your hair looks so good! I'm into the shorter cuts lately, and yours fits your face perfectly.
    Your lunch plate looks amazing. I LOVE beets!

  3. seriously if IHOP is hiring you should hit it up! you got some surrious pancake skills!

  4. Wow, you and Eric look amazing in the mornings! Haha, I wish I could say the same in our house! :)

    Sounds like you are going to have a great week! I'm sure it's so nice to have your family visit as you probably don't get to see them too often.

    Enjoy the rest of your night dear.

  5. Haha I would opt to go to WFs bar vs. many other restaurants that's for sure! Still love the hair :) Classes start this week--wah! Nothing too exciting.

  6. cuuute hair girl :D And your eyes are to die for! Have a great week!

  7. Your hair looks wonderful. I think sometimes it is a good idea to just change and the best part is your hair looks really pretty!

    Love the panckaes certainly makes the Sunday special!

  8. Great looking pancakes :) Love weekend bfasts. Again- I think the hair looks super cute. I can totally relate though- I have had long hair for so long now- I'm scared to cut it!

  9. Yum, your pancake looks delish! Love the hair! :)

  10. Your hair looks great!! And so do the pancakes!! :-)


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