Thursday, December 5, 2013

Three Months

Happy three months, my little love!

You're growing so fast and getting cuter and cuter with each day and every smile. Even though you're way too little to know what's going on, holidays are already so much more fun with you around, too! 

Three Months

What you weigh: --

Eating: You're a pro at eating, as always. Eating for you during the day is every two to three hours. We've only given you a bottle a couple of times since mommy's always home with you and though you didn't eat a lot from it, you didn't hate it either.

Sleeping: This months sleeping has gone pretty well too. Only a handful of times have you gotten up more than a couple times and you even slept 9+ hours straight multiple times. Without fail, I always feel like I need to check on you when that happens, ha. Overall, though, you probably average waking up once in the night which is totally okay with mommy! The only "issue" we sometimes have is that it takes you a long time to go to sleep at night and oftentimes, you'll fall asleep and wake up 5-20 minutes later only to have to start the process all over.

Clothes: You've been wearing 6 month clothes now and we had to get some new clothes since we're running out of baby gift clothes. Some 6 month are still a little bit big but overall, they're a pretty good fit.

Diapers: Still using BumGenius Freetime diapers. You've had a bit of a rash that hasn't wanted to go away so we're currently taking a mini hiatus from our cloth so that mommy can strip them and we can get rid of that rash.  So in the interim we use 7th Generation diapers. The good new is, whatever this rash is, it hasn't seemed to bother you at all.

Favorite Activities: Eating, smiling, laughing, listening to music and watching daddy dance and make funny faces, kicking your legs, tummy time, laying on your floor gym, looking at lights.  You still love being outside but as the weather gets colder, we haven't been able to do out outside walks as much because mom doesn't feel like getting us both all bundled up enough!

Least Favorite Activities: Bath time when you're sleepy, still not loving the car seat. You're starting to not like laying on your back as much because you like to see what's going on all around you. See? You end up lifting your head up as if to say, nope, I don't want to just lay around, you guys!

Big Moments/Other:
-- You slept for 9+ hours several times through the night
-- Your hair really started to fill out in front and your cheeks have gotten chubbier and more filled out (aka very cute!) 
-- You really discovered your hands and have been sucking/chewing on them.
-- More and more sounds and squeals are coming out of your mouth and they're all oh-so-cute! They seem to keep going up in octave too ha.
-- This month you've really started to drool a lot and make chewing motions.

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