Friday, January 3, 2014

Four Months

Welcome to the year 2014 and the start of month five of your life, perfect little girl! You're growing so much and you're such a beautiful joy!

Four Months

What you weigh: apprx 14 lbs 12 ounces

Eating: You're starting to not want to eat quite as frequently and also are eating quite a bit quicker. Whenever you're really hungry and eat aggressively, you'll "talk" almost the entire time you nurse. It's kind if like a groan/hum and so funny and cute!

Sleeping: You're fairly consistent in this area. Of course we had some of "those" nights but overall you're a pretty good sleeper. Averaging getting up once in the night, sometimes twice and only occasionally more. While you still almost always wake up about 20 minutes after I first put you down, after nursing you back to sleep again you typically stay asleep. We still swaddle you at night and nurse to sleep.

Clothes: Solidly in 6 month clothes

Diapers: Still alternating between cloth and level 2 Seventh Generation disposables.

Favorite Activities: Smiling, "talking", listening to Sophie the Giraffe squeak, watching daddy dance and make funny faces, "standing up" kicking your feet, being in the Boba carrier, kisses on your cheeks, the sound of clapping

Least Favorite Activities: A long time in the car seat, being near the blender when it's on, people talking loudly to you when you're tired, when mommy leaves the house when you're getting tired

Big Moments: 
- your first Christmas!
- you've started putting your little bum in the air when on your tummy and kicking your legs. I can't keep you on your tummy on the Bumbo lounger now. One day this is how far you got out of it
- you've become so much more aware this month it seems and we're really starting to see even more of a cute little personality 
- you're "talking" all the time
- you've begun communicating with a very high pitched girly scream/squeal

- You've had some eczema on your cute little cheeks. I've been putting some goop on it and it really seems to help the redness so long as I keep up with it. You really like to accidentally rub it all off right after I put it on!

December Pictures

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