Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Seven Months

Seven Months

Seven months old and getting to be such a big girl! It's hard to believe you're more than halfway to being 1 year old! You've changed our lives in so many ways but nothing would mean anything without you. We love and treasure you, Emy!

Seven Months

What you weigh: 17 pounds 9.6 ounces

Eating: You don't love solids but we've been experimenting with different veggies and some fruits as well as egg yolks. So far most of it ends up on your face and bib. Besides that, you usually nurse when you get up, then around 10, 2, 5, and at bedtime.

Sleeping: Sleeping this month hasn't been your forte, ha. Nighttime is pretty hit and miss these days. You're waking up on average three times a night and haven't had more than a 5 hour spurt at all this month. You're still napping about twice a day for 45 mins to an hour. Your favorite place to nap is still on mom but you have napped in the stroller and car seat a little now too.

Clothes: You still range from 6 month to 12 month clothes but I'd say average is in the 9 month range.

Favorite Activities: Sitting up, scratching on everything you touch, smiling, laughing, making silly noises, waving, sticking your tongue out, being outside.

Least Favorite Activities: This month, sleeping "good"

Big moments/firsts:
- We took our first road trip to Nebraska this month which was quite a feat considering your history with car seats!
- You're talking so much more and can make noises like ba-ba, ma-ma, and da-da
- We've finally ventured down to Kansas City with you now that we're able to be in the car longer.

Seven Months Pictures

Seven Months Videos

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