Friday, November 1, 2013

Two Months Update

Happy two months, Emersyn!

In some ways, I can't believe you are already two months old and in others, it feels like you've been with us much longer. This month we moved into our new house and have been trying to get situated. It feels like these last few weeks we've been able to form somewhat of a routine. You are all smiles these days and your mommy and daddy are loving it! Even on those long nights when you don't want to sleep, you'll give me a great big smile out of the blue and all my frustrations leave me. 

We love you so much and are already loving seeing how you change each week; making more facial expressions and noises, interacting with us and growing stronger muscles. You're definitely becoming better acclimated to the "outside world" and we're all getting the hang of this more and more. You're such a beautiful blessing!

Two Months

What you weigh: 11 pounds 3.3 ounces

Eating: You still love to eat! You still average eating about every two hours during the day. Mommy is finding that when she eats wheat, dairy or fibrous veggies you're very gassy and get fussy so I've been refraining and it seems to help.

Sleeping: Aside from some random bad nights, overall mommy can't complain. You've woken up a range of every one hour to sleeping a seven hour stretch. Most recently, you're sleeping a four to six hour stretch.

Clothes: You're wearing pretty much all 3 month clothing and some of them are getting pretty tight. Your sleep n play outfits are too tight on you though so we've switched to some 6 months. Your 3-6 months clothes would fit you now too but we haven't worn them just yet.

Diapers: For about half of the month you still wore your BumGenius newborn diapers and then we switched to BumGenius Freetime because the absorbency of the newborns just weren't cutting it anymore and mommy was tired of changing your clothes multiple times a day because of leaks.

Favorite Activities: Nursing, smiling, tummy time, being held and bounced around, listening to and watching daddy make funny noises and faces at you, being swaddled, being outside, going on walks in the Boba carrier

Least Favorite Activities: Bath time, daytime napping, being in your car seat (though it is improving).

Big Moments: You had your first eruption of real smiles and have been smiling ever since! We moved into our new house and you graduated to your own room and switched from bassinet to crib. You have enjoyed tummy time and when you are "done", you roll over back onto your back.

-- We've tried to start implementing a bedtime routine this month to get you to sleep. It consists of giving you a bath around 7, having some smile and talking time with mommy and daddy, swaddling and nursing. Usually you're then in bed between 9 and 10.
-- You're getting better at car rides and we can go around town a bit without a complete meltdown.
-- You make more and more cute noises every day and it's fun to "talk" to you and see your happy smile.

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