Monday, September 14, 2009

Picture day & question

Hello all! : )

Today at Lesley Living Life, it’s unofficially picture day! Picture 118

Picture 116

Picture 122

Picture 127

Picture 130

Picture 108

Picture 109

Picture 107

And just so I’m not neglecting food, here’s some grapes from my mom’s garden that are de-lish!Picture 095

I asked this on Twitter earlier today but for you who aren’t on Twitter …


What’s the difference between being nice/putting others first/being humble verses being a people pleaser & when does it become a negative thing?

Hope your week is off to a great start!




  1. yay pictures day more often please :) i love seeing yo' face!

  2. When your good deeds start to effect you,in a negative way, that's when it becomes negative! For instance, if you are going out of your way to be a pleaser, but you are putting yourself out way too often.

    I LOVED picture day, by the way. Those were some great pictures of the two of you! I love "candid" photos.

  3. Love this collage of pics today. Just makes me smile to end my day! :)

    What a great question. I think the difference lies in genuinity. When you are nice to others and truly genuine about it, then you don't really need to worry about being a people pleaser. People will automatically see that you are a kind person with a good soul and love you for it! :)

    PS- I think you fall into the category of being genuinily kind and humble and I of course love you for that! :)

  4. awwwwwwww the pups! You and Erik are seriously SO freaking cute.

  5. Love the pics Lesley. those are some nice grapes.

  6. LOVE those pups :) and you two make quite the couple! wow, your parents are quite the gardeners! they brought you some amazing loot!

    that's a thought-provoking question... i think it can become negative when you put others before yourself. it's something i do all too easily :/

  7. Great photos! Thanks for sharing!

  8. Love all of the photos! I think being nice is being polite and being a pushover is helping people who don't actually need your help

  9. Awww, look at that big teddy bear of a doggy. :)

  10. Your dog is precious, just want to hug him!! That is an awesome question...When you start thinking you are better than others because you are helping them, it can be a problem. You could very easily be on the other side.

  11. great pictures, your dogs are soooo cute!!

  12. that should say "great"...spelling clearly not my strong point tonight!

  13. Such a cute dog! And you guys make a GRWAT couple :D

    I think it becomes a negative thing when you are either compromising your own principles/morals, or when are you are not being true to your own self/beliefs. Sometimes compromise is necessary or telling a little white lie, but if anyone is getting cheated, it's not helpful.

  14. Awww I love your dog! :) And you and your man are adorable!

  15. I love the last picture of you and the dog. His expression is adorable!


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