Tuesday, September 15, 2009

German chocolate cake, 14-minute boot camp fat blast

Today I tried one of these:Picture 136

I was excited when I saw them as I was walking by the bars at the grocery store the other day to see the other new flavor of Lara … finally. I couldn’t help but buy a couple to try.  First off, I haven’t had any other Jocalat kinds before, how do they taste compared to the new kind??

Anyways … I was very surprised (pleasantly, I might add) at how moist this baby was, A LOT more “cake-ish” than I expected. I really liked it.

And here’s my Amazing Grass shaker saving the day as I was hurried for lunch today and was forced to have half of my lunch in shake form.

Picture 133

My lifting schedule has gone to pieces lately because of lack of time. With Erik’s dad being sick, it just hasn’t been top on the priority list.

I can easily fit in cardio every morning but lifting after work hasn’t been so easy and my recently gained muscles are starting to dwindle a bit.  So today … I got a chance to lift and here is me excited to be able to!

Picture 149

I’m grateful for Oxygen magazine and some of their quick workout ideas. Today I kind of did their “14-minute boot camp fat blast” twice around (I switched it up a little bit). Twice around took my about 45 minutes which isn’t bad for a quick full body workout.

I like to work a different muscle group every day but since I haven’t been able to do that, I decided for this quick workout that hits all the major muscle groups.

Picture 152

Basically, I did about eight different exercises, doing as many reps as I could in 60 seconds, and I did two circuits. Mine went something like this:

  1. Plank push-up with rotation; 60 seconds
  2. Prisoner squats; 60 seconds
  3. Weighted crunches; 60 seconds
  4. Alternating front lunge; 15 lb dumbbells in each hand; 60 seconds
  5. Alternating dumbbell chest press; 20 lb dumbbells; 60 seconds
  6. Bicep curls; 20 lb dumbbells; 60 seconds
  7. Dumbbell rows; 15 lb dumbbells; 60 seconds

I did each exercise one right after the other with a very minimal rest period and took a couple minutes rest after the first circuit. It got me sweating pretty good so I suppose this was definitely better than nothing!

Since I’m not lifting as often as I want to, my lifting goal is this: When I have time to lift, push myself and lift hard.

And that’s all for tonight. How do you work out when you’re pressed for time??




  1. I like your goal, and that's pretty much how I do it too. But since I only workout 5 days a week, if I don't have time to workout, I don't! I count it as one day off. Or, if I only have time for half of a workout, I only do half and them count it as a half workout! This works really well for me, I must say.

  2. That sounds like a great quickie strength workout. I love doing intense short circut workouts, they are perfect when you are pressed for time but want a decent routine.

    When you are on a regular lifting schedule, how often do you lift? Every night? Every other? I try to do 2-3 nights a week, but I know what you mean, it's hard to fit it in.

    Hope you are having a great week girl!

  3. Gina - that sounds like a good plan :) I've just had a few too many "days off" lately, ha!

    Lauren - On my regular lifting schedule I was lifting about 5 days a week. Erik and I lifted together so it was also some fun "together" time. We enjoyed it!

  4. I try to split it up. I've done 15-20 in the morning and do a full 30 minute at night. depending on what type of exercise I do.

  5. Oof, those are some hardcore exercises. Pump that iron, lady!

    When I'm pressed for time in the morning, I usually try to get a few miles in and then run the rest in the afternoon or evening.

  6. I'm not that crazy about the Jocalat bars - I prefer straight-up chocolate, haha ;)

    Awesome reps!

  7. mmm love that flavor lara! I haven't loved love the other jocalat bars but that one is super good. Glad you got some weights in (yahhhhhhh baby!). I usually give up some sleep to work out...but I know thats not really advised haha.

  8. That lara sounds delish! Unfortunately my
    Hy-Vee doesn't carry that flavor...in fact there are many I'd like to try (i.e. lemon and key lime pie) that they don't stock. Bummer.

    Say, I've been digging through your recipes and cannot find the one for the garlic and spinach stuffed chicken you make with the POM syrup on top. I found the syrup recipe, but not the chicken one. If you're so inclined, I'd love the recipe! :)

  9. I always think something is better than nothing, too! If I'm really pressed for time, I try to fit in walks on my breaks at work and do some weights/ab work at my house. Hey, it all adds up!

  10. The most important thing I do when I'm pressed for time and need to workout...I convinced myself that I *do* have the time and skipping the workout is not an option. Then it's all gravy, or shall I say a piece of (jocolat) cake?

  11. Sounds like a great quick work-out! I never really know how to maximise my time when I am busy... I have never tried a Jocolat bar, but have the German chocolate cake to try. Sound delish :D

  12. When I'm pressed for time, I try to workout in 15 minute intervals.

  13. Am I just a total wimp or what?? I use 8 LBS and that's a lot for me--I'm really trying to work on gaining some muscle in my arms and I know I need to do that by lifting more weight. I'll have to work on it for sure!

  14. never did I thought "german chocolate cake" and "booty blast" could be used in the same post, but you made it work ;) those bars sound like heaven on earrrrth!


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