Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Protein, Carbs, and Water

Wednesday already ... and I'm glad! I'm ready for the weekend already!

Day one of my new workout/slight diet change has overall gone successfully. I sometimes have a love/hate relationship with lifting/weights. Sometimes I really like it and other times I hate it. Well, tonight I hated it. Ha, so it was slightly discouraging but I'm not about to give up! As a part of slight diet change, I'm including more protein and carbs into my day so today for me that meant eggs with my cereal for breakfast and lots of brown rice throughout the day!Breakfast: Kashi Whole Grains Puffs with sliced banana and almond milk along with two eggs seasoned with cinnamon and a little bit of pepper.

I've been trying to drink more water, too. Of course there's the rule of thumb we've all heard, around eight 8 ounce glasses per day. I also read one should drink 1 ounce of water per 2 pounds of weight. So, if you weighed around 125, you should drink around 64 ounces per day ... (which is very close to eight 8 ounce glasses). Then of course, according to how much you work out, weather, etc you should add more.(Here's what my 52 ounce water jug that I have at work looks like, haha).

Anyways, I definitely don't normally drink that much so as a part of my updated workout plan, I'm going to drink more and see what happens. Today I got in about 83 ounces of water and was pretty stinkin' proud of that.
How much water do you drink in a day?

My lunch was rice, seasoned lean ground turkey meat and some veggies with balsamic vinegar and various seasonings.I didn't take pictures of all my eats today so this is all I'll share but overall with my added carbs, protein and water I felt very satisfied and full.

"Well-ordered self-love is right and natural."
-Thomas Aquinas

Have a great Wednesday evening and Thursday!!! : )

---And be sure to check out this wonderful looking birthday giveaway at
Off Her Cork!


  1. Hooray for a delicious success!! :-)

  2. I'm so glad it is Wednesday too! Come on weekend!

  3. I actually don't know how much water I drink. I hate having to go to the washroom a lot.... I have to go in between classes. LOL

  4. I put cinnamon and maple syrup on my eggs and my hubby thinks I am CRAZY!!!!!!!! soooooooo good!

  5. I'll have to try cinnamon in my eggs! I make egg whites with vanilla and cinnamon sometimes, so it's probably very similar.

    I know what you mean about the weights too. :)

  6. love the idea of cinnamon with eggs - will have to try that!

  7. love the mug- lol! I don't drink nearly enough water. Maybe 40 oz a day.

  8. That mug rocks! Where on earth did you get one that big? I love it! Its such a great way to measure your water intake, which is SO important

  9. Hey girl! Great goals. I think your dinner looks greats. I love ground turkey- you can do so much with it! Cute water jug too.

    I drink about 96 ounces of water a day! Sometimes more! I recently made a push to drink more water and have been doing GREAT with it

  10. i dont drink nearly enough water, so im not someone you should go by...
    glad the carb/protein increase is going well.

  11. I LOVE the weekend!!

    Right now I'm drinking 72 ounces of water a day. When it gets hotter out I'll up it and maybe add another 24 ounces...

  12. Yummy new eats! I should try that Kashi cereal... it looks good! I drink a ton of water but I generally drink it all during the last few hours of the day. I really should spread it out more and drink from morning til night instead of just at night! Have a great Thursday!

  13. I don't drink nearly enough water. I have a 32 oz bottle that I try to fill up at least twice a day (key word, try).

    I have a love/hate relationship with weights, too. I think I need a better lifting routine.

  14. I'm terrible about drinking water. Although the last couple days that is all I have been drinking, but only because I was sick ;)
    I really don't like it, but I know it is so much better for me then coffee!!!

    I have a love/hate relationship with working out period! I wish it were more of a love relationship!

  15. Even better news than it being Wednesday? It's now Thursday. Wahoo! We're getting there.

    And I need to get me one of them kegs. Nice!

  16. now that's a huge mug of water!! :) Congrats on your workout... I really need to start exercising!

  17. I love water, I don't know exactly how much I drink, but it is a lot:) I try to avoid all other beverages, sometimes we treat ourselves to a diet soda, but only on Saturdays, it is Soda Saturdays for us..ha!
    Great goals!!!

  18. You have totally inspired me to drink more water...way to go girl!! I'm so glad that your new plan is going well so far. I made an all veggie stir fry with balsamic vinegar the other day and had it with quinoa. You picture made me want to make it again today. I love reading your posts!

  19. YAY for eggs! you know how much I adore them!
    truthfully, I drink water in the form of coffee and tea and diet sodas...not doing so well on the drinking water, but your post reminded me how important it is to drink more water!
    oh, and there is a award for you...:-)

  20. I am loving that dinner!
    I do not know how much water I drink a day. I know I drink a lot though. I am estimating probably like 5 or 6 water bottles with some full glasses of water thrown in there too. Hmm, maybe I will keep track...
    Have a beautiful day, my love!

  21. Your diet changes sound great!

    I tell myself I drink enough water.. but I have a feeling I'm not!

  22. oooh yummy looking rice dish you have there!!!

  23. Yum Yum yum eats! I drink so much stinken water! I'm constantly going through water bottle after water bottle! I think I might have to go out and by myself one of those kegs! Hah!
    Just curious. Did you get your new plates at Target?????
    Take care Lovely Friend!

  24. I drink a ridiculous amount of water. I usually get 10-12 glasses and still get thirsty on that lol!

    Your breakfast looks yummy!

  25. I've never had cinnamon on my eggs. I'll have to try that sometime. I usually drink at least 64 ozs. of water per day. If it's hot here in TX I can drink up to 90 quite easily. Some days I'm pretty sure I'm going to float away.

  26. i always drink a big glass , usually about 16 oz before I eat my meals and then try to get in one or two more glasses in the day, plus more during workouts.

    I hate water but I love water...


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