Sunday, March 8, 2009

Happy Sunday!

Hey all!!

How's your weekend been going? I haven't been around much this weekend, but have had a great time with my parents! (I even helped my mom sign up for Facebook ... she's gettin' all hip, now;)

We went birthday shopping yesterday (since my b-day is the 18th) and I got new dishes and bowls. Thanks, Mom and Dad! Here's a picture of my mom and me. And here's my dad playing with the dogs. (Ha, it was pretty entertaining ... he was making weird noises and it was bothering the dogs so much because they didn't know what it was.) Aaand, here's Erik and I messing around. (Ha, we were just goofing off and taking pictures ... we got some pretty funny ones out of it.) Finally, to end this short post with some food, here was this morning's breakfast eaten with a sliced banana inside, cinnamon, and almond milk. I haven't done much commenting this weekend with my parents in town but I have been reading!! : )

Hope you all have had a great weekend!


  1. Awww, you guys are too cute! And it looks like you had a wonderful weekend with your parents. Glad to hear that you fully enjoyed your time together and hope you have a great day today!

  2. Hey lady!

    Glad you are having a good weekend with your parents! I'm loving the updates you are making to your page, the pics are really cute!

  3. Such cute photos! There's nothing like time with mom :) My mom wants me to "sign her up" for facebook, too! All my aunts and uncles and even the husband's parents are on. Truthfully it kind of freaks me out! Haha.

  4. aaww the doggies are so cute! And I love the pic with your mom. I should take more pictures with mine :)

  5. ooohhh, i LOVE the page's makeover. you guys sound so cute and happy. im glad your weekend with the parents was nice and fun. i think id die if my parents tried to sign on FB...

    how did you get those tabs on the side? im a computer lam-o and technology really scares me(especially after this past week) but i wanna try to get my page pretty now, too! haha

  6. so glad to know that you're having good time with your parents. :D
    you look gorgeous in that photo with your mom! You should teach me how to do eye make up! :D

  7. omygosh I TOTALLY had your cereal for breakfast with almond milk this morning too!!! But I mixed it with special K berries and frozen fruit and yogurt too because it wasn't sweet or filling enough for me. :P guess i have a big appetite? hehe

    THOSE are some darn cute pictures!!!! It put a big smile on my face. You're too cute girl!

  8. Glad you're having a fun time with your family! What a cute dog!! :)

  9. I love the pictures! Hope you had a great weekend with your family!

  10. i'm loving all your new pages girl! Your husband's story is SO interesting and inspiring :D You guys are a gorgeous couple

  11. So glad you are having fun! Have a great week!

  12. Awww- the pic of you and your mom is so cute. Happy early bday again :) Yayy for new dishes. I can't wait to see them in you rpics

  13. Glad you had a great weekend. I love the pictures.

  14. Fun weekend with Mom! Awww.

    Your doggy is adorable!

  15. What sweet photos! I love the Kashi cereal. I will have to try it the way you eat it. Their granola bars are one of my favorites also!

  16. Love Kashi cereal!
    My parents also recently got Facebook...too funny!

  17. Sounds like a great weekend.
    Hope you'll be posting pictures of the new towels and dishes :)

  18. I love seeing all the love between you and your family! glad that you're having such a lovely time!

  19. Sounds like you had so much fun with your parents! Love the photos.

  20. Great pictures! Glad you're having fun hanging out with your parents. That's too funny about your mom and facebook.

  21. aww such cute pics : ) love the one of you and your mom! so glady ou had such a good time with them! ooooh and your bday is so soooon!

  22. Sounds like you're having a lot of fun with your parents! My mom just made a facebook, but I'm not as enthusiastic about it as you are!

  23. I am so happy to hear that you are having such a wonderful time with your parents!!!! Beautiful :)

  24. Glad you had a good time! I love the photo of the dog hopping up on the couch!


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