Monday, October 5, 2009

Stevia in the raw winners

And the random winners of the Stevia in the Raw samples and coupons are:

Congrats!! You can e-mail me your addresses and your samples/coupons will be on their way! : )

Erik was off work today and when I came home from lunch he surprised me with this …

Picture 453

Isn’t he good? He makes food look much more aesthetically pleasing than me. I don’t think of things like that.  He’s the best! :)


Tonight was leg day … ugh! My workout consisted of 3 sets of 12-15 reps (excluding calf raises) of each of the following:

  • Squats w/ 10 lb dumb bells
  • Lunges w/ 15 lb dumb bells (3 sets per leg)
  • Romanian Deadlifts w/ 30 lb dumb bells
  • Stair Calf Raises w/ 25 lb dumb bells  (3 sets per leg; 20 reps in each set)

Tomorrow I will officially be sore all over. My chest and upper arms are already super sore from yesterday and will hurt ever more tomorrow. But it’s okay … I like being sore all over as long as it’s that kind of sore ; )

That’s all for tonight. Erik and I are ready for Biggest Loser to be on already, ha … this is the first season we’ve watched it and we’re hooked!

Until later …





  1. ohhhh your legs are gonna be screamin' atchu tomorrow girl! so worth it, feel the burnnnnnn :)

  2. awww your hubs is so sweet :) I hateeeeee legs day haha

  3. Awh, I guess you are right about your hubby being the best! haha

    I still need to teach my boyfriend how to cook... Maybe one day :-)

    Yay for leg day! Leg day is always my favorite!!!

  4. Yum!! 5 points for Erik! What is it? Steak?

  5. That lunch looks really good! And wooowoo to the winners :) Have an amazing week girly!

  6. BL is so addicting!! And a total tear-jerker! I like being sore too except when I'm so sore I can't walk :)

  7. Hey there!! Yup you are definitely one lucky girl!! Isn't it awesome when a boy can cook? hehe

    I totally just saw a picture of you and your guns. DAMN girl you should be SOOO proud. You're makin' me jealous!!

    P.s. I'm hosting a ZenSoy soy milk and pudding giveway, so swing by if you're interested! :)

  8. Ahh man, I'm bummed that I missed that giveaway! :( Your workout sounds intense! I always like being sore the next day actually. Proves that I worked hard! Is that weird?!

  9. Congrats to the winners! And lunch looks beautiful! an aesthetically pleasing lunch is always more satisfying to the tummy ;)

  10. Look at that eye-candy of a dish! Oh yes, Erik's got food porn skills.

  11. Sorry to be slow, but what is in the dish? Peas, pasta...and? Is it mushroom tops? Wrinkly steak? I feel so dumb!

    Killer leg and bum workout. Oof!

  12. i know girl i look forward to biggest loser every week. its SO addicting! do you think tracey is as crazy as i do? gah not a fan!

  13. yesss cannot wait for teh BL tonight! first season I have been following as well!!

    thanks for the giveaway, so siked I won!! I never win anything LOL

    have a great morning!!

  14. Aww you're a lucky girl--that meal looks wonderful, like really pretty! lol

  15. I think i would be soar also, but it's worth it!

  16. Can I borrow Erik? ;-) He is an amazing chef!


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